


Cash out
AMRAP in 9 Minutes:
20 Sumodeadlift High Pull (55/75#)
20 Front Rack Forward Lunge (55/75#)
40 ft Handstand Walk 

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday 10/28, we will be hosting our Annual Halloween house workout, the WOLVERINE at 9 AM! 
We hope to see ALL members attending in their halloween costumes. 
Complete the WOD as RX and get your name on the wolverine board or join us to partner the Wolverine or the Wolverine Club. 
CF Kids "Halloween WOD" to follow at 10:15 AM

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.” – Muhammad Ali


  1. 6am

    Brian 365 2+15 Shoulder Taps
    Julia 155 2+12 Rx
    Kaitlyn 185 2 Rx
    Kristen 165 2+21 BearCrawl

  2. Larissa 120 3+4 35# 5 Wall Walk in
    Jackie 265 2+ 20 5 Wall Walk in
    Jill 180 2+15 45# 5 Wall Walk in
    Erini 205 4+ 23 45# 5 Wall Walk in

  3. Masters
    Kathy 145. 2+20 (35#, squats, bear crawl)
    Lee 115 (35#, 3 kick ups)
    Lisa 145 (35#, bear crawl)

  4. nooner
    Lauren 215 2+ 20 4 wall walks

    Megs 2 20 2+ 41 45# ( 5 Wall walk ins )
    Pam G 215 2+ 40 24 ft hs walk
    Dana H 405 2+ 23 rx
    Meredith 245 3+ 1 ( 5 Wall walk ins ) BW lunge
    Kalyn 265 3 ( 5 Wall walk ins )
    Geoff 315 2+16 DB Lunge - push up + 4 shoulder taps
    Sarah B 165 2+ 20 35# wall walk + shoulder taps
    Shannon 300 PR!2 + 43 ( 5 Wall walk ins )
    Jonathan 405 2+ 33 Rx
    The Nat 2+ 25( 5 Wall walk ins )

    Aimee 220 2+ 40 (26# Goblet Lunge)

  5. 4:30
    Trevor 315 2 + 6 rx
    Erika 155 3+6 push up +step up 18 # goblet lunge
    Mae 175 2 + 13 wall walk x4
    Freaky 230 3 5 wall walk in
    Karen 235 2+35 shoulder tap
    Rakshit 325 2 + 20 wall walk + shoulder taps
    Rocco 315 2 + 35 wall walk plus shoulder tap
    Jeff 405 3+10 rx

  6. 5:30
    Seth 315 2 + 26 Wall walk x4 taps + BW lunge
    Danielle C 215 2 + 18 5 wall walk ins
