

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)
14 Toes to Bar
28 Double Unders

Community Notes:
We are hosting a CF Level 2 Seminar this weekend (10/21/10/22) at the gym, the 9AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday Cardio Classes will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia).
7 AM Saturday will be held at the box, there will be NO kids class and NO Sunday lifting, both will resume next weekend (10/28/10/29).

“Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.” 
– H. Jackson Brown Jr.


  1. 9:30
    Erini 16:54 10/10
    Aimee 15:29 rx
    Colette 12:45 rx
    Em G 15:23 10-8 ROMTTB
    Jess 13:57 rx
    Jackie 13:18 10ROM

    14:42 7 TTB 65#
    Dana H 15:53 rx
    Evan 17:17 65/10TTB :30 DUA
    Pam 16:08 7TTP TTB
    Freaky 14:35 7 tab 7 ttp
    J Spak 15:17 rx
    Jonathan 18:00 1/2 ttb 1/2 ghd
    Rob 16:00 rx
    Dana 14:30 (53/ 8 TTB )
    Megs 15:59 55#
    Gina 16:30 55# 20 DU 7ttb
    Ana 15:08 rx
    Shannon 16:57 14du 1/2 knee raisse
    Rich 18:33 rx
    Lenny 65 8ttb 10du
    Geoff 15:14 75# ttb

  2. Gordy 14:42 (7 TTB 65#)

    Lauren 15:35 55#
    Alex T 17:32 ttpole
    Jeff 14:46 rx
    Pablo16:10 65#/SU/ Rom TTB
    Kate Cap 14:54 ROM TTB
    Becca 17:36 5snatch 35#/ 12toes to pole/ SU
    Kalyn 17:28 rx
    Edwin 14:30 65#/8 TTB ROM 14 DU
    Joe S 15:55 7 ROM TTB

  3. 5:30
    K Bay 13:06 35# rig taps knee
    Seth 16:48 TTP :30DUA
    Trevor DNF
    David 18:48 55# singles Knee
    Greg 18:14 rx
    Bhargav 16:50 55
    Ryan P 16:57 10TTB
    Goose 13:54 10TTB
    scientist 11:43 GHD
