


Shoulder press 5 RM

Cash out:
EMOM 12: 
Min. 1 | 6 toes to bar + 10 push-ups + 12 pistols
 Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders 
– Score is total reps

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.17.23
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.2.23

“Associate yourself with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.” —George Washington (1789–1797)


  1. 6am

    Julia 80 367 1/2reps
    Mike 80 did work
    Mark S 135 PR! 335 situps/air squats
    Jordan 95 321 t2p/shrimp/air squats

  2. Aimee 83 175 DU/ alt pistol to box + Air Squats

    Taylor 130 PR! 185 DU/ 4-8-10 reps pistol to box/ 3 rds NO pistols
    Jackie 92.5 PR!! 211 DU/ 1/2 reps rom tab/ incline push up
    Mary 95 62 cal C2 bike 4-5-8 shrimp
    Em G 60 technique 4 v up/ 8 DB seated press 6 box pistol
    Phillip 110 :)
    Dana G 100 200 Rx
    Jill H 75 101 DU 4-6-8 rom TTB Shrimp
    Gordy 176 FS 182 4-8-10 reps
    Scott (drop in) 105 360 SU TTB ROM 6-10-6

  3. Pre 430pm

    Lauren 314 (messed up min 1 and did max reps of complex)
    Danielle G. Fitness madness

  4. nooner
    Megs 78.5 PR 45 ski cals 6/8/10 pistol to box
    Keith 115 (1/2 reps rom/ shrimp)
    Pam 85 208 (4-6-12 reps)
    Nat 90 PR!! 240 (4-6-4 reps)
    Jonathan 160 146 (1/2 shrimp)
    Meredith 80 300 SU (4-8-10 rom.box)
    Britt 70 290 SU (3.5.6 reps)
    Evan Z 125 76 DU (6/10/5 reps)
    Shannon 100 PR 70 DY 4/8/10 reps 1/2 knees/ 1 ab / shrimp
    Sarah B 70 8 DU!! (first 8) 4/8/10 reps
    Geoff 102.5 143 6/6 as many pistols as possible

  5. 6:30
    Steph 65, 183 DU/attempts, 2 T2B, 5 snake pu, 6 pistol to box
    Missy 70, 150 DU/attempts, 3 feet over hips, 5 snake up, 6 shrimps

  6. 4:30
    Kalyn 100 297 RX
    Matty Boh 155 227 1/2 reps shrimp
    Remer 125 420 rx
    Alex Tu 137.5 PR 255 1/2 shri,p
    Jeff 165 325 rx
    Rakshit 105 212 1/2 shrimp

  7. 5:30
    seth165 1/2 reps shrimp Top
    Jamie 100 PR 512 4.8.12
    Leah 235 1/2 shrimp
    scientist 80 210 4.5.6
