

On a 15:00 clock: 
50 bar-facing burpees 
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft) 
800-m run 
Max-reps hang squat cleans in the remaining time (125/185 lb)

Coaches Notes: 
Ensure at least 2:00 to complete as many hang squat cleans as possible. Athletes should use a weight that allows them to hang on to the barbell for at least 3 reps unbroken. Complete burpees in 5:00 or less, wall-ball shots in 3:00 or less, and the run in 5:00 or less.

Community Notes:
9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday (cardio) classes will be held at the Lyons Den 555 w. Beidler Rd. KoP, we are hosting a CF Level 1 Seminar. 
(7 am Saturday will be at the box)

“Changing your attitude, your outlook, your mindset, perspective, disposition, or mood—they all mean controlling where you allow your thoughts to linger.” 
 ~ Richelle E. Goodrich


  1. 6am

    Colette 30 Rx
    Tori 12@85
    Brian 7 Rx
    Jess 8 @85
    Subhan 6@115(33 wall balls)
    Mark 7 @155
    Kristen 13@65
    Larissa 12@55 12#wb

  2. 9:30
    Leda 5 @85
    Em 16 @95 400m
    Philipp 13 @125
    Jamie 24rx
    Jill 5 @75
    Erini 6 @85
    Monica 4 @45

  3. nooner
    Megs 10 @ 85# (10# 1600 C2 bike)
    Edwin 12@ 125 14# WB
    Pam 23 rx
    Rich A 20 Hang Power Clean 2K c2 bike - PP WB
    Geoff 7 /2 135# 40 reps 25# SB Thruster
    Shannon 8 rx
    Dave 10 rx
    Jonathan 20 Safety squat 145#/ SA DB Thruster 25#/ GHD Situp
    Matty Bo 5 @ a85 40 burpees

  4. masters
    35 burpees over the line
    35 Wallballs 10#
    500 M Run
    Max hang squat clean

    Lee 18 @ 55#
    Terry 20 @ 65#

  5. 5:30
    Julia 15, 30/30/600m A Runner
    Danielle C 16 (85)
    Danielle G 18 RX

    Steph 12, (85), 30/30/600m
