
Athlete/Coach - Spotlight - Colette

Congratulations Colette for being our August Coaches Spotlight! 

We love what you bring to our Coaching team and are happy to have you as a part of this great community!

How long have you been at CF KOP?
I've been at CF KOP since it opened back up after covid. My previous gym had closed down a few years prior and I was searching around for a new home. After sampling a few local boxes I came in for a class at KOP and knew I was home. 

Who is your favorite Coach?
I honestly love them all! Ben is hilarious, Keith has great tips and tricks, Taylor is creative with his coaching, Aimee is a master at her craft, Mak is thorough and well prepared, Lauren is spunky and cheerful, Danielle is too cool for school, and Mark is a friendly face first thing in the morning! 

What do you feel is your greatest strength as a coach?
I will forever be honing my craft, continuing to learn and grow as a coach and athlete. That said I think one of my strengths is assessing and meeting the athlete where they are at. I am able to quickly pivot to an athlete's needs and tailor the workout to preserve the stimulus while catering to the athlete.That is something that takes time and reps to be able to feel confident doing on the fly. 

What sounds like more fun, 200 burpees for time or a 5k run?
Burpees please. I'm not built for running. 

What is your favorite and least favorite movement to perform in the gym?
I love bar muscle ups, they make me feel like a kid on the playground. 
I despise rope climbs, I am terrified of heights, that said you'll catch me scaling those!

What's your secret to getting through tough wods and how do you mentally prepare yourself for the challenge ahead?
Well, I still get the Wod Willies that's for sure. Even after 12 years that 3-2-1 Go makes me nervous! I really don't know what goes through my mind when I wod, usually I just try to move steadily throughout the workout, I don't take a lot of unnecessary breaks and try to strategize where my strengths are vs my weaknesses and play to that. 

What are your current goals inside and out of the gym?
Currently I am making my way through the CrossFit online courses to continue my education. I just finished the Anatomy course and will be taking the Nutrition course in the fall. Outside of the gym I'm working on being a more patient mother and a more dialed in friend. I'll forever be a work in progress!

Well Colette we love and value you here at CF KOP and look forward to witnessing all your future successes. 

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