

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
40 Calories Air Bike
200 Double Unders

Row 750 Meters
30 Calories Air Bike
150 Double Unders

Row 500 Meters
20 Calories Air Bike
100 Double Unders

Row 250 Meters
10 Calories Air Bike
50 Double Unders

(time cap 30:00)

 “One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others.” -Bell Hooks


  1. 9:30
    Johnny 2+500+16 su
    Matty Bo 2+500+20+20
    Jill 2+500+15 su

  2. noon
    2 + 500 + 20+ 25 rx
    Britt 2+ 500m + 9 c2 bike sc
    Kalyn 3 + 28 rx
    Megs 2 + 500 + 13 15/12... ski
    Keith 28:57 1/2
    Alicia 3 sc
    Geoff 3rds 500/400/300 min run
    Shannon 2+ 500 +20 + 11 80/60/40/20 Dubs
    Meredith 28:55 sc c2

  3. Masters
    Lee 22:26 MRX
    Lisa 23:44 sc
    Terry 20:36 30/25/20 DU
    Kathy 24:04 Su
    Scott 25:20 SU
    Emi 21:50 sc
    Krista 18:27 su
    Gordy 18:12 MRX

  4. masters WOD
    750 M row
    30 cal bike
    75 du
    500 m row
    20 cal bike
    50 du
    250 m row
    10 cal bike
    25 du

  5. 4:30
    Lauren 28:56 1/2 du
    Karen M 26:59 (500 M per rd)C2 bike Single Unders
    Mike Mit 3 su
    Nat 2 + 500 m row + 20 cal bike _+50 du
    Freaky 2 + 500 m row + 20 cal bike _ + 44 du
    Alex T 29:08 1/2 SU
    Joe S 29:33 rx
    Rocco 3 + row + 3 cal bike

  6. 5:30
    J Baez 2 + 500m + 20 cals RX
    Brooke C 3 + 127m RX
    Danielle 3 SU

  7. 6:30
    Faith 2 + 500m + 10 cals + 44 SU/DU , -10 cals, 1/2 DU reps
    Jorge 3 + 104m SC SU/DU, -10 cals, 1/2 DU reps

  8. 6am

    Jess 2+500+20+130su
    Tori 3+250+3cal su
    Danielle 2+500+20+25 Rx
    Jamie 29:49 Rx
    Missy 1+750+30+190su
    Larissa 2+497m su
    Subhan ----
    Mike 2+256m su
