

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
10 Pull-ups

Rest 5:00

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
10 Box Jumps (24/30")

“A brave man acknowledges the strength of others.” 
—Veronica Roth.


  1. 6am

    King 5+10 53#, 5+16 40#/24"
    George 4+2 35rus, 5+1 30#/20"
    Bill 5+12 53#, 5+7 50#/24"
    Edwin 3+22 44#/band, 5+10 45#24"
    Danielle 4+10 Rx, 5+5 Rx
    Mark 4+7 53#, 4+10 55#
    Brian 4+21 Rx, 4+14 24"/step

  2. Jamie 5+7 DB bent over row (35#s), 6+6 RX

  3. nooner part 1
    Philipp 5 band/53#
    Ana 5+ 26 rx
    Britt 3 +23 26#
    Evan 4+4 53#
    Mike Sc 4+ 10 rx
    Sarah b 3+ 16 RR/Band x4 25#
    Keith 4+ 18 rx
    Pam 5 rx
    Alona 5 44# 5 pull-up rom
    Geoff 4 53 russian
    The Nat 4+ 13 rx
    Alicia 4+5 26 # RR
    Ina 4+8 band RR/ 26#

  4. nooner part 2
    Phillipp 4+13 45#
    Ana C 5+12 rx
    Britt 5+10 20#
    Evan 4+15 24" 50#
    Mike Sch 4+13 rx
    Sarah B 4+5 25#/20"
    Keith 7+7 50# 24"
    Pam G 5+7 rx
    Alona 5+7 35#
    Geoff 6+16 25#/step up
    The Nat 4+5 rx
    Alicia 5+12 35#/20"
    Ina 5 25#/ 17"/20"

  5. Solo Concussed Lauren 1pm 🤣
    5+3 35#
    5+10 40# / box step ups

  6. 4:30
    Smutek 4+5 rx 3=5 rx
    karen 4+ 12 35# 6+17 30# 20"
    Mitter 4+6 53# 5+ 2 50# 24"
    Matty B 3+ 21 rx 3+ 5 rx
    Freaky G 4+ 20 rx 4+ 2 rx
    Erika 4+ 18 44# 6+3 20" 30#
    Jeff 6+14 rx :)
    Remer 6+8 rx 4 rx

    Lil D 3+ 26 44# 4+ 15 40$ 20"
    Vi 3+ 16 35# banded 4+ 10 15#
    Baez 4+ 8 pushup 4+12 rx
    Greg 5+ 2 rx 4+10 rx
    Tori 4+ 14 35# 4+17 sc
    Jes 3+ 28 sc 4+17 sc

    dan 5+ 3rx 4+6 rx
