

5 Rounds for time of:
5 L- Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips 
15 Overhead Squats (65/95#)

“I really think a champion is defined not by their wins, but how they can recover when they fall.” 
-Serena Williams, American Tennis Player


  1. 9:30am
    Larissa 15:15 negatives 10 cal ski
    Colette 10 GHD
    Ana 14:14 RX
    Gina 15:28 strict pu negatives 55#
    Monica 12:21 banded dips 45#
    Steph 12:48 banded dips 45#
    Dana H 15:22 RX

    Katie 😊
    Taylor 17:26 RX
    Shannon 17:00 bands
    Meredith 15:33 bands
    Pam 18:00 8 dips

  2. 5:30
    Rakshit 10:39 55 box dips
    Seth 15:40 BW row box dips
    Alex 16:17 6 rounds 75
    Scientist 15:19 sc
    Lil D 14:29 55 1 strict 4 banded box dips
    Baez 14:37 rx

    Missy 12:47 banded PU box dip 35#

  3. 4:30
    Mitter 14:00 range of commotion
    Karen 15:55 65 ROm box dip
    Gym shark 17:45 75 6 dips
    Leah 13:39 55 banded box dips
    Jeff 10:05 115 strict rx+
    Remer 10:04rx
    The Natalie 11:29 2 l sit 3 ring dip 7 box dip
    Ibrahaim 18:00 75$ 5 dips
    KK 13:40 banded 15# negatives

  4. 5:30
    Danielle 18:03 solo 100 singles
    Baez 18:05 100 dubs solo
