

All for time (and reps):

AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
6 Dumbbell Power Clean
6 Dumbbell Push Jerk
6 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge

Run 800 Meters

AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
6 Dumbbell Power Clean
6 Dumbbell Push Jerk
6 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge

Record total time and reps of each AMRAP

Community Notes:
We are hosting a CF Level 1 this weekend (6/24- 6/25) at the gym, the 9AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday Cardio Classes will be held at the Lyons Den (555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia).
7 AM Saturday will be held at the box, there will be NO kids class and NO Sunday lifting, both will resume next weekend (7/1- 7/2).

Mark your calendars:
Tuesday 7/4 - CLOSED
Saturday 7/22 -Brawl in the Burbs
Saturday 8/19 - King and Queen of Prussia

“Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just illusions.” Michael Jordan, American Basketball Player

1 comment:

  1. 9am
    Val 16:45 :)
    Evan 15:50 14 rounds 45#
    Melina 17:10 9 rounds 20#
    Mike 17:00 7 rounds 25#
    Mae 18:00 7 rounds 10# row
