
We Welcome Mark Spak to our Coaching Team


Mark joined Crossfit KOP in 2016 and we are so happy he's joining our Coaching Staff!!! 
Please help us welcome Mark!

Mark is a sports and fitness enthusiast with a passion for CrossFit. Mark first discovered CrossFit in 2016 and was immediately hooked by its challenging workouts and community-driven atmosphere. Over the years, Mark dedicated himself to mastering the CrossFit methodology and developing his skills in weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. In 2022, Mark took his passion for CrossFit to the next level by earning his CrossFit Level-1 (L-1) certification. This rigorous program equipped Mark with the knowledge and expertise to coach and train athletes of all levels, from beginners to seasoned competitors. With his CF-L1 certificate in hand and his experience shadowing and coaching alongside seasoned and well-respected coaches at Crossfit King of Prussia, Mark is now a qualified and confident CrossFit coach. Mark is excited to share his love for CrossFit with others and help them achieve their health and fitness goals. As a coach, he emphasizes the importance of technique, safety, and community in every class, and encourages his athletes to push themselves beyond their limits. Whether you're new to CrossFit or a seasoned veteran, Mark is ready to guide you on your fitness journey.

You will see Mark on our schedule at 6 AM Mondays!

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