
Coach Spotlight - Taylor Williams

What brought you over to coach at CF KOP? 
I was a member here back in 2017-2018 shortly after taking the level 1 seminar with Aimee. I left to take a head coaching job at a gym in West Chester where I worked for about 2.5 years. I left there in the middle of the pandemic and considered pivoting to either working in a conventional gym again or leaving coaching altogether. I saw that CFKOP was looking for coaches and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work for and learn from Aimee. I still had a ton of friends here so that made the decision even easier. 

What led you to Coaching CrossFit? 
I love being a part of peoples journeys to a better them. CrossFit the exercise program I knew from the beginning was something people could enjoy while they suffered and it would keep coming back. The environment in CF gyms is the awesome place where you can come in get a kick ass workout and then just leave or you can workout and also learn so much. Coaches, in gym and online, would tell you all the secrets to getting better. Sharing knowledge and lifting everyone up together was a apart of all the gyms i went to in the beginning and i loved that. 

If you had to choose between throwing a comp and competing in one, which would you choose and why? HMMM at this point throw a comp. Being in charge of the logistics of comps and in front of the room running the show has changed my coaching and just the way I work with people more than i can explain. I would say presence and attitude are two of my strong suits and i can contribute that to organizing the comps at KOP over the past two years. However the plan is to compete in weightlifting again this summer with KOP Barbell. 

What are your favorite things to coach and why? 
My top three favorite things to coach 
1. The squat snatch: It's just so sexy and so rewarding when done right. Helping people make progress on that is my jam. ( shout out to Gavin!) 
2. The Jerk its fun to help people put heavy-ish over their heads. 
3. Surprise!! TTB who doesn't love to fly around and the pull-up bar like a kid! 

Any future plans for coaching? Tell us what you’re up to next! 
Currently studying for the CF-L3 and planning to take the test this summer!

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