

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
3 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

Rest 5:00

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
6 Toes to Bar
12 Power Snatch (65/95#)

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes (9AM Saturday CF and 9 AM Sunday Cardio) will both be held at the Lyons Den, 555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia (Sat 7-8 AM comp class will be held at CFKOP, Sunday 10:15 AM lifting is cancelled)

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” — J.K. Rowling


  1. 6am

    Jess W 4+7 65/mut 4+8 rom/53
    Tori 4+4 mut/65 4+17 rom/55
    Julia 3+8 mut 5+6 Rx
    Brian 4+5 jmu 5+9 rx
    Jessie 4+13 mut/85 4+7 t2p/55

  2. 9:30
    Mary 4+12 (6 ghd) 65#, 5+6 toes to pole 45#
    Jackie 5+3 trans 75#, 6+15 rom ttb, vup 15#
    Em 5+5 trans 80#, 5 rom

  3. Masters
    amrap in 10
    3 Ring MU Trans
    10 C&J
    Rest 5
    amrap in 10
    6 ttb
    12 power snatch

    Lee 5+6 35#/4+6 15
    Dana D 6+3 53 clean 9 GHD 12 # DB
    Ina 4+8 35#/4+6 15# rom ttb
    Kathy 4+6 35#/ 4+6 toes to pole 15#
    Mae 4+3 43# 4+6 35# GHD
    Lisa 5 35#/ 4+1 15# First 3 TTB!!! congrats!

  4. nooner
    Keith 2+2 rx / 4+14 rx
    Erin M 4 rx/ 6+14 rx
    Britt 2+2 trans 55/ 4 sc 55 rom
    Evan 2+10 95#/ 5 65#
    Kevin H 4+8 rx/ 5+6 rx
    Erika 4 trans 75# 4 rx
    Shannon 4+3 trans/ 4+17 rom
    Pam 5 sc/ jmu/ 5+10 rx
    Jamie 5+1 3 devils press 35# / 5+16 6 cals ski
    Carl 4 rx/ 7+3 rx
    Geoff 5 95 / PU / 4+8 65#
    Megs 4+3 75 trans / 5+4 55#
    Rich A 4+8 rx / 5+6 rx
    Matty Bo 3+4 JMU/ 5 rx

  5. 4:30
    Edwin 3+3 (6 trans) 95#, 4+9 75#
    Jeff 5rx, 6+12 rx
    Ben 2+8 h2r, 4rx
    Chaley (trial) 3+5 115# trans, 4 85#
    Freaky 3+10 h2r, 5+rx
    Karen M 4_1 75# 6 trans, 5+3 55# rom
    Remer 5+4rx, 4+10rx
    Taylor3+4 1mu, 4+8rx
    Dave H 3+6 1 mu, 5+4 rx

  6. 5:30pm
    Kristen 4+5 65# / 3 55# ROM
    Mark S. 4+1 JMU / 4+6 RX
    Seth 3+3 trans / 5 trans
    Lil D 3 75# trans / 4+5 55#
    Bhargav 3+6 85 trans / 3+5 65 ROM
    Julia N. 3+5 RX / 4+1 RX
    Baez 3+ 5 RX / 4+1 RX
    Vi 3 55# trans 3+11 55# trans

    ABØ 5 65# hang cleans 6 RR / 5+13 65# FS 6 cal ski
    Greg A. 3+7 RX / 5+13 RX
    Steph C. 4 65# trans / 5 45# ROM
    Jorges 5 75# trans / 4+13 75
