
CrossFit King of Prussia Wellness and Nutrition Challenge

We all know Nutrition is at the base of the "Theoretical Hierarchy of the Development of an Athlete" and important to all of the developmental skills on top of it but we also need to pay attention to other tenants in and outside of the gym. 

This year, the 2023 CFKOP Nutrition Challenge will incorporate Wellness; we have multitude of items you can receive points for on a weekly basis (Nutrition, Mobility, Exercise, Personal Growth). 

At the end of the four week challenge the person who has the most points will receive a Free Month at CrossFit King of Prussia. We will have a shared spreadsheet that you can update weekly, drop your email in the comments or sign up at the box and we will add you to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will be released on Monday afternoon (1/16/23).

This Challenge will start on Monday January 16th and run through February 16th the day before the first open workout!

Each line item will be assessed one point (except signing up for the OPEN, that's 5 points).  You can accumulate as many points as possible daily, in as many categories as you see fit. Make sure to post in the community page (and social media) some photos and what you have been doing to stay accountable and inspire others. 

Add Protein (1 g Protein per lb body weight)
Add Veggies 800 g a day
Weigh and Measure 
Try a new approach, Zone, Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Carnivore
Cut back or cut out Sugar
Cut back or cut out  Alcohol 
Drink 1/2 Body weight in water (oz)

Stretch/ Foam Roll
Crossover Symmetry

Attend CF Class
Get outside
Lift something HEAVY
Sign up for the OPEN (5 points)

Read a book
Walk in Nature
Help (reach out) to a friend w/out being asked
Do a meditation or breathing practice
Show gratitude (write down 3 things you are grateful for)
Bring a friend to the gym
Get 8 hours + of sleep
Ask a friend for help

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