

For time:
20 Calorie Row
12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks 

15 Calories Air Bike
12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks

20 Calories Ski Erg
12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks

100 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks

“If you want to experience significant progress toward your goal, you need to be intentional about the work you’re doing every day.” 


  1. Max 18:41 #115
    Jesse 17:04,#75, DUA
    Mark 17:14 #135
    Jamie 13:34rx
    Mike 19:40, #85,30 dubs
    Ryan 16:45 #95,DUA

  2. 9:30
    Em G 14:39 85#
    Mary 14:55 65# 50 dubs
    Jackie 14:12 scaled
    Jill 15:07 74# :90 dubs
    Larissa 15:43 55# :90 dubs
    Shannon 15:14 95# 40 dubs

  3. nooner
    Meredith 15:38 75# 100 SU (some DU attempts)
    Edwin 14:25 85# :90 DU practice
    Sarah B 17:18 51# SU 100
    Gordy 11:04 95 # 3 rds (NO DU)
    Dana H 17:03 Rx
    Pam G 14:39 rx
    Kevin H 14:52 135#

  4. Cate 16:35 rx
    Aimee 13:29 85#
    Taylor 17:37 rx

  5. 4:30
    Erin 13:30 rx
    Jeff P 11:02 rx + 20 cals bike
    Ryan S 13:12 105
    Keith 17:17 135
    Olan 16:59 115 60 DU
    Alex Tu 16:49 105
    Freaky G 18:13 rx
    Meg O 12:49 RX
    Dave H 18:35 rx
    Lauren 18 : Pukie 85#
    The Nat 17:36 rx
    Joe S 14:47 135#
    Caitlyn 16:47 80#

  6. 5:30
    Danielle C 15:45 75 singles
    Evan 17:39 105 25 dubs
    Matt T 17:30 105 singles
    Seth 16:17 95 ass bike c2 ass bike ski
    Rebecca 17:34 95#
    Baez 18:18 rx

  7. 6:30
    Steph 14:36 65 50 dubs
    Missy 16:33 55 20 dubs
    Danielle 12:17 rx
    jess w 13:33 65 100 singles
