


For time:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Unbroken Double Unders 
(cap 20:00) 

Coaches Notes: 
The Flight Simulator is a workout that challenges you in many ways. To complete this workout as prescribed, each set of double unders must be strung. This means you must complete that many in a row without stopping. After each set, you MUST break. For example, you cannot do 30 straight and then perform 20 as your next set. You must do 5, stop, 10 stop, etc...however, you control how long you stop. If you fail any set, you must start that set over. For example, if you trip on 49 of 50, you must redo the set of 50. 

Cash out: 
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
6 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge (35/50#) 
12 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (35/50#) 
(All corners of the Dumbbell much touch the ground in the C&J)

“I really think a champion is defined not by their wins, but how they can recover when they fall.” - Serena Williams


  1. Larissa :) up to 20,4+12 #20
    Jordan 14:30rx 3+9 #35
    Danielle 15:48rx 4+8rx

  2. nooner
    Lillian (new member!! welcome) 14:00 ish SU + 1 DU each round/ :)
    Rob drop in ! 12:53 waffles 5 rx
    Jen drop in! 6:26 to 30 and back/ 5+11 20# one arm jerk
    Lauren 9:00 rx PR board!! 5 rx
    Taylor 18:00 rx ------
    Jess A 12:53 s 4 15#
    Rich A 15:20 rx ------
    Becca 14:41 SU/6 15#
    Meg D 13"04 to 40 and back / 4+7 30#
    Caitlyn 17:06 rx :) rx
    Pam 13:52 to 40 and back 6/15 one arm jerk
    Shannon 13:09 to 25 and back 6+3 rx
    Geoff 15:12 SU to 100 reps
    Aimee 11:32 rx 5+1 rx
    Cate 20:54 rx 5+7 rx

  3. 9 minutes! Holy SMOKES. Is your rope on fire?

    Unhealthy Lyons: 21:06 up to 45. I tried 50 4 times and almost punched a hole in the wall.

  4. 4:30
    Meg O 12:27
    Sarah 13:00 singles 3+10 26#
    Joe S 5 RX
    Matty Boh 18:00 rx 4 rx
    Keith 18:47 rx 4+12 rx
    Julia DNF 0-50 5+ 11 rx
    Alex TU DNF 0-45 2+15 rx
    Freaky 16 5 + 3 rx
    Remer 8:55 6+ 6 rx

    Kevin 18:48 rx 5+6 40#
    Mike C 9:04 5-30-5 4+14 25#
    Matt T 19:50 singles 5-45 4+10 40#
    Scientist 8:40 sc 3+ 6 rx

  5. Baez DNF 3+16 rx
    Mark 10:58 rx 3+12 rx
    Danielle C 14:45 singles 4+4 30#
    Jamie 10:07 rx 6+ 10 rx
