

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
1 Thruster (95/135#)
1 Deficit Handstand Push-up (3/4.5 inch)
10 Double Unders
2 Thrusters (95/135#)
2 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (3/4.5 inch)
20 Double Unders
3 Thrusters (95/135#)
3 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (3/4.5 inch)
30 Double Unders
4 Thrusters (95/135#)
4 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (3/4.5 inch)
40 Double Unders

....continue to Ladder Up 5/50...6/60...7/70... until time elapses.

Pause and remember: If you empty yourself of yesterday’s sorrows, you will have much more room for today’s joy. - Jennie Young


  1. 9:30
    Jackie 6+7 95# FS 5 second pickup hold
    Subhan 5 925# deficit ) ski , 115
    Em G 7+ 16 85# 2.5 ab
    Mary 5 + 42 55# 1ab

  2. noon
    Pam 6+20 1.5 in def
    Dan 6+ 12 rx
    Keith 6+ 10 rx
    kate c 6+ 2 2ab
    Sarah B 8 + 11 su 31# box 20"
    Evan z 5 + 11 95#/ 5-10-15 PU
    Samson 6 + 13 HSPu 105
    Shannon 6 + 7 2.5 ab 2-4-6 du
    Matty Boh 6 115 2ab
    Geoff 6+ 14 1/2 du 25#
    Max 6 + 8 105 HSPU

  3. Masters
    Mae 7+ 8 Su 17" box HSPU 53#
    Gigi 8 25# Su box HSPu
    Gordy 7+ 8 95/ 1ab bike wifi
    Terry 6 55# 3ab
    Regina 7 + 66 35 su box HSPu
    Lee 6 45#/3 ab
    Kathy 6+ 12 su/35/box HSPU
    Richard 6 stinkbug 11#
    Ina 6+ 5 (45) 2ab

  4. 6am

    Missy 4 65 ab
    Jamie 8+5 SDP25
    Julia 6+9 Rx
    Kristi 7+7 45 SDP25
    King 5+10 115 ab
    Brian 7 SU
    Mark 5+12 1.5"

  5. 4:30
    Alex Tu 5+46 1 AB 95#
    Emma N 5+6 3 AB/ 65 5-10-15 DU
    Lauren T 7+16 1 AM /65
    Karen M 7+7 75 SU/rom HSPU
    Olan 5+3 95 2 AB
    Edwin 6+7 65/ 3AB 5-10-15 du etc
    The Nat 6+12 flat hasp/ 85#
    Leah M 6+7 65 1 AB
    Remer 7+13 rx
    Taylor 5+9 flat hspu
    Caitlyn 6+9 65# 1 AB

  6. 5:30
    Joe S 6+3 sc
    Seth 8 pu c2
    Julia N 6 sc
    Katie F 7 70# 1 ab att.
    Rebecca 6+14 75# sb
    Matt Th 7+10 115# kick up lower down/pu
    Ryan Pa 6+10 rx
    Danielle C7 75# singles 1 ab
    Baez 6+48 front squat push up
    Meg O 8+5 rx
    Rachel 6+61 front squat sb
    Kevin h 6+5 rx

  7. 6:30
    Alex B 7+8 65# box push ups singles and dubs
