

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
1 Round of C2B Cindy 
1 Round of DT
2 Rounds of C2B Cindy 
1 Round of DT
3 Rounds of C2B Cindy 
1 Round of DT
4 Rounds of C2B Cindy 
1 Round of DT
5 Rounds of C2B Cindy 
1 Round of DT
...continue adding one round of Cindy until the completion of the workout.
Record total rounds and reps

'C2B Cindy' - 5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups / 10 Push-Ups /15 Air Squats
'DT' - 12 Deadlifts / 9 Hang Power Cleans / 6 Push Jerks (105/155#)

 "A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other people, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." -Albert Einstein


  1. 9:30
    Aimee 4 + 96 rx
    Cate 3 + 137 rx
    Jackie 3 + 141 RR incline 35 DB PJ
    Jess 3 + 142 PU 115
    Brett 3 + 60 Pu some knee pushups 115
    Katie 3 + 75 pull-up incline 75
    Shannon 3 + 62 banded strict snake 85#

  2. nooner
    Dana H 3 + 126 rx
    Meredith 3 + 137 RR 75#
    Matty Bo 3+72 135# PU
    Evan 3 + 136 105#
    Lenny 3+30 105 PU
    Pam 4 85 PU
    Rich A 4+15 rx
    Kevin 4+1 135
    Mary 3+15 65# incline pushup
    Pete D 3+60 135#

  3. Masters
    Cindy 3-6-9 reps
    DT 9-6-3 reps

    Terry 4 + 75 53#
    Gordy 4+75 95#
    Lee 4+9 53# band
    Lisa 3 35# kip
    Ina 4+72 53/15 DB Band
    Jess A 3 +72 53# band PU/ RR

  4. 4:30
    Keith 4+4 rom 115
    Alex Tu 3+35 115
    Erin M 4 + 115 rx
    Jeff P 4+ 94 rx
    Meg D 3+70 80#
    Lauen T 3 +132 (75#)
    Erika 3+75 75# PU
    John Mc +70 RR / band 85#
    Karen M 3+ 90 80# :)
    Mike Mit 3+ 90 95# PU
    Jess ie S 3 + 65 75/ band knees
    Caitlyn 3 + 79 85# pullups
    Yex 4 80# PU

  5. 5:30
    Baez 3+83rx
    Taylor 3+63rx
    Danielle C 4 75# pull up snake
    Julia N 2+77 pull up snake
    Rebecca 3+61 85# pull ups
    Meg O 4+101 DB BOR 30#
    Emma 3+38 3 pu rom snake 85#
    Seth 3+37 135# push up and snake, 3 pull ups rom
    Ryan P 3+51 rx

  6. 6:30
    Pramit 3+41 55# 3 pull up
    Greg 3+35rx
