

Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps: 
Do a heavy single, then pick a load you can lift 10 times, then another single, then a 20 rep load, one more single, then a 30 rep load. 

Score is the cumulative load on all 6 barbell lifts, record all 6. 

Cash out: 
For time: 1 K ski Erg

CLICK HERE to compare to 3.29.22
CLICK HERE to compare to 7.23.22

Community Notes:
Join us for CrossFit Kids at 10:15 AM - Ages 5-12 years!
No experience necessary. First class is always FREE!

"One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone."
 - Shannon L. Alder.

1 comment:

  1. 9am
    Greg 315-295-315-275-315-205 4:04rx
    Yex 225-175-265-155-285-125 4:16rx
    Sarah B 135-105-145-95-150-85 5:07rx
    Randy 305-255-310-225-310-155 4:25rx
    Dan 365-310-385-225-425-185
    Sarah C 155-85-175-85-200-65 5:35 rx
    Meg O 4:21rx
