

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
250 Meter Row
2 Dumbbell Step-overs (35/50# x2)
2 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
2 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#)
250 Meter Row
4 Dumbbell Step-overs (35/50# x2)
4 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
4 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#)
250 Meter Row
6 Dumbbell Step-overs (35/50# x2)
6Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
6 Sandbag Ground to Over the Shoulder (100/150#)

....continue to ladder up until 15 minutes has elapsed. 

Community Notes:
There will be NO Classes on Saturday 11/12. 
CrossFit KoP is hosting Girls on Girls and the Bro-Down. 
Friday 11/18 - 'Chad' -1000 step-ups in all classes.
Wednesday 11/23 - 7 AM ---> 12 PM Row 10 K
Thursday 11/24 - CLOSED for Thanksgiving
Friday 11/25 - NO 6 AM Class 
(remainder of the day -resume normal schedule)

“There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise.” 
-Mary Kay Ash


  1. 6am
    Marks S. 4+1 40# 125#
    Jamie 4+21 RX
    Mike S. 4+1 30# 20” 75#
    Subhan 4+12 20# 20” 100#
    Larissa 4 25# 50#
    Sam Bo 5+15 RX
    Danielle G. 4+5 RX
    Brian S. 4+1 20”
    Missy 4+25# 17” 50#
    Kevin 5 40# 20” 100#

    Jackie 4+27 25# 75#
    Mary 4+16 15# 25# 17” 75#
    Katie 4+1 25# 75#
    Sofia 3+19 25# 75#

    ABØ 4+11 25# 75#
    Em G. 4+7 75#
    Jessica W. 4+17 25# 50#
    Tori 4+23 25# 50#
    Pam 5 RX
    Rich A. 4+22 RX
    Jammin Jess 4+9 20# 75#
    Pete 4 20” 125#
    McHugh 3+20 25# 50# 100#
    Kevin 4+7 RX
    Jess 4+26 bodyweight step ups 100#

  2. 4:30
    Erika 4+100 m 17" 75
    Yes 4+ 5 17"
    Edwin 4+10 20" 35 75
    Jeff 4 + 21 rx
    Remer 4 + 5 rx
    Randy 4 + 47 m Rx
