

5 Rounds for time:
24 Deadlifts (65/95#)
18 Hang Power Cleans (65/95#)
12 Push Jerks (65/95#)

Community Notes:
CrossFit Kids today, Saturday 10/15 at 10:15 AM - ages 5-12!

Special Strength class with Coach Taylor Sunday1016 at 10:15 AM!

"It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." 
- Theodore Roosevelt

1 comment:

  1. Kevin 11:52 65#
    Max 15:31 75#
    Jil 12:45 55#
    Jess 17:10 PP
    The Natalie 12:48 RX
    Mae 14:30 24-10-10 43#
    Randy 13:2& 75#
    Ben 10:43 3 rounds
    Colette 8:27 RX
    Danielle 9:36 RX
