

For reps:
 Tabata burpees 
Tabata hollow rocks 
Tabata kettlebell swings (35/53 lbs) 
Tabata burpees 

Tabata is 8 rounds :20 work / :10 rest. 
Complete all 8 rounds of one movement before proceeding to the next.

Score it total reps for all 4 tabatas, rest only :10 between each Tabata!

Community Notes:
BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE -TODAY, Friday 10/14 at all classes!!

Join us for Happy Hour TODAY 10/14 at 5:30 PM at the Tap House in Bridgeport!

CrossFit Kids this Saturday at 10:15 AM - ages 5-12!

Special Strength class with Coach Taylor Sunday 10:15 AM!

 Success is not an accident, success is a choice. 
- Stephen Curry


  1. 6am
    Missy 170 RX
    Mark S. 151 RX
    Rodd 258 RX
    Larissa 233 RX
    Julia & Momma Cook Just for fun RX / 18#

    Ben 251 RX
    Colette 200 assault bike
    Em 248 hollow hold

    Mary 196 RX
    Jackie 236 Russian swings and mod burpees
    Emma 188 mod burpees
    Pam 269 RX
    Krystal 266 RX
    Subhan 181 RX
    Jess 240 mod hollow rocks

    Lee 191 26#
    Megz 259 RX
    Ina 173 RX

  2. 4:30
    Luke 283 rx
    Vince 256 44#
    Jesse 218 Bike for 2nd burpee
    Erika 270 air squats
    Alex 251 rx
    Jeff 354 pushups for 2nd burpee
    Freaky 321 air squats

  3. 5:30
    Prompt 166 plank hold 26#
    Bratty 140 plank hold 26#
    Katie 182
    Baez 245 pushups for 2ndburpee
    Matt 180
    Gillian 138 26#
    Emma 169 Ghd for 2nd burpee
    MT 178 25#
    Scientist 234 rx
    Lil D 218 RX
    Shannon 213 bike for burpee
