

5 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 1 Seminar this weekend, so weekend classes will be held at the Lyons Den on Saturday 9 AM and Sunday 9 AM. 

Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

There will be no CFKids on Saturday and no Lifting on Sunday, 7:00 AM Comp Class will remain at the box on Saturday morning.

 “Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something, not even me. You dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.” – Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness


  1. 6am
    Danielle 24:12 500m Row, PU
    Larissa 22:38 45#
    Subhan 17:18 4Rds 200m 8 C2B, 75#
    Missy 24:52 banded pu, 45# 10 reps

    ABO 20:26 RR 35#
    Em G. 23:15 65# 10 sumo deadlift high pulls
    Aimee 22:14 RX
    Jill 22:57 10 ROM
    Mary 21:14 1000 C2 Bike 5 pull-ups 45#
    Kevin 20:50 RX
    The Natalie 23:03 12 C2B (1 & 2 rounds) 8 (3-5)
    Jess D. 23:07 2 min assault bike
    Eiad 24:00 1000 C2 Bike RR 50#
    Leah 24:05 pu
    April 20:10 RX
    Harvey 21:37 pull-ups
    Katie 21:14 5 pu 55#
    Santiago 17:39 RX

    Pete 23:50 RX
    Erin 16:36 RX
    Dana D. 20:05 GHD 65# Power Clean
    Noel 21:15 2m assault bike 6 C2B
    Lauren T. 21:04 RX
    Pam 19:10 8 strict pull-ups
    Rich A. 22:33 RX

  2. 4:30
    Freaky G 23:15 Rx
    Remer 16:27 Rx
    Samson 21:38 75
    Alex tu 22:40 c2 hand power clean
    Yex 21:48 c2 pull-up
    Mike 23:06 pu 75
    Greg 19:19 Rx
    Jerry 22:53 75 pu

  3. 5:30
    Baez 24:03 Rx
    Lil d 25:27 pu
    Gia 26:01 55 pull-up
    Matt t 25:21=65 Rr
    Scientist 25:20 6 chesties
