

1 RM Push Press 

Cash out:
3 Rounds for time:
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
50-ft DB overhead carry, left 
50-ft DB overhead carry, right 

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.28.22
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.3.22

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Level 1 Seminar this weekend, so weekend classes will be held at the Lyons Den on Saturday 9 AM and Sunday 9 AM. 

Lyons Den - 555 W. Beidler Rd. King of Prussia PA.

There will be no CFKids on Saturday and no Lifting on Sunday, 7:00 AM Comp Class will remain at the box on Saturday morning.

“Every man dies, not every man really lives.” – Braveheart


  1. 9:30am
    ABO 165# FS 2:53 30# goblet squat, 45# suitcase carry
    Erini 105# 2:59 35# snatch 25# overhead carry
    Em G. 105# 3:32 40#
    Mary 125# 3:20 30#
    Jill 110# 3:42 35#

  2. noon
    Aimee 120. 6:15 rx
    Ben 220 6:15 rx
    Cate -- 4:19 rx
    Taylor 185. 5:20 rx
    Meg D 110 5:13 40#
    Pam G 140 3:29 rx
    Rich A 260 PR1 3:18 rx
    Matty Bo 185. 3:09. 30#
    Geoff 160 bench press 4:30 25#

    Ina 70 3:20 20#
    Terry 90 2:35 20#
    Michele 13.5. :)
    Lisa 70. 3:07 15#
    Mom 50 2;38 12#
    Gordy 170 2:50 40$
    Alan 60#. 4:23 15#
    Kathy 80 PR! 3:01 12#
    Lee 70 2:53 20#

  3. 4:30
    Erika 95 2:46 35#
    Emma 115 pr 3:29
    Lauren 15 2:24 45
    Will 155 2:41 50#
    Alex tu 165 2:45 45#
    Jeff 244 2:10 Rx
    Meg o 150 3 Rx
    Erin 135 2:29 Rx
    Jen c 134 2:55 40
    Yex 125 2:51 40#
    Remer 205 3:56 Rx
    Joe 205 3:04 rx

  4. 5:30
    Seth 225 3:03 45#
    Gia 110 2:59 35#
    Shannon 125 3:04 40#
    Katie 105 2:47 25#
    Baez 250 2:56 RX
    Danielle 95 2:46 35#
    Nick 185 3:04 50#
