

Every 5:00 x 5 rounds: 
12/15 calorie assault bike 
12 overhead squats (75/115 lb) 
15 lateral burpees over the barbell 
12 alternating front-rack lunges (75/115 lb)

“If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.” - Ratatouille


  1. Sam B 2:50,2:55,3:06,3:37,3:37 rx
    King 3+90
    Missy scaled
    Larissa scaled
    Subhan scaled

    Danielle 3:42,3:39,3:47,3:57,4:18 rx

  2. 9:30
    Mary 4 rounds 35# 10 cal regular burpee
    Jess 65# BW lung
    Leah 4 rounds 55#

    Remer rx
    Kev 4 rounds Back squat
    Gordy 3 rounds women rx
    Pete 3 rounds rx
    Noel 75 5 burpees 10 reps
    Dana 4 rounds rx
    Max 75 4 rounds
    Pam front squat
    Rich 4 rounds

  3. 5:30
    Mchugh 9s
    Mitter 9s
    Karen 12s 8 burpee 65
    Matty Boh DB squat/;unge
    Erika 9s
    Alex 60# OHS
    Samson 4 rounds 10s
    Freaky RX
    Lauren 65 10 lunges
    Erin rx
    Jeff rx
    Edwin 10 65
    Randy SC
    Meg O rx
    Julia 10

  4. 5:30
    SMutek sc
    Katie 9
    Lil D 8 burpee and lung
    Baez :)
    Shannon 9s 65
    Ben 10s 4 rounds
    Emma 8s 35
    Bratty 10 35
    Seth sc
    Matt 9
    Scientist :)
    Greg 2 rx 3 scaled
