

For Max Load:
3 Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 Shoulder to Overhead

Cash out:
For time:
50 Calories Air Bike

Community Notes:
Saturday 9 AM CrossFit Class, Sunday 9 AM Cardio Class and 10:15 Strength Class will be held at the Lyons Den, 555 w Beidler Rd. KoP. 

"Low self-confidence isn't a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered--just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better." --Barrie Davenport


  1. Laura 90 8:16 bike reset
    Subhan 135 3:27
    Danielle 140 3:53

  2. nooner
    Carl 235 1:31
    Freaky G 120 3:48
    Evan Z 165 3:22
    Max Practice 3:30
    Pam G 145 3:23
    Taylor 225 3:05
    Rich A 255 2:16

  3. masters

    40 Cal Cardio

    Mom 41 4:16 c2 bike
    Alan 55 3:01 C2 bike
    Ina 65 3:33 row
    Gordy 155 2:17 airbike
    Lisa 55 4:09 C2 bike
    Terry 70 4:10 50 cals row
    Lee 65 3:50 row
    Kathy 55 4:01 C2 bike

  4. Jeff P 265 1:39
    Erin M 140 2:43
    Julia 155 3:40
    Lenny 145 3:12
    Ryan S 165 3:05
    Meg O 153 3:44
    Alex Tu 195 3:32
    The Nat 145 3:38
    Remer 235 2:44
    Matty Bo 185 3:18
    Joe S 205 2:13

  5. 5:30
    Rebecca 115 3:57
    Seth 195 2:25
    Erika 85 5:01
    Julia N 145 5:14
    Kevin B 155 2:21
    Mike C 135 3:23
    Shannon 125 3:48
    Baez 245 4:38
    Danielle C 100 4:18

  6. 6:30
    Matt Th. 135 2:51
    Greg 205 2:47
    Colette 170 3:23
    Tia 154 4:04 30 cal bike
