

10 x 1:00 rounds:
3 Deadlifts (205/315#)
Max Double Unders
(rest 1:00 between rounds)

Record total Double Unders

"The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you." --William Jennings Bryan


  1. 6am
    Colette 116 bike cals
    Danielle G 455 185#
    Larissa 941 120# singles and doubles
    Laura S 377 155/135# singles and doubles
    Mike C 406 185#
    Aashish 548 275#

  2. 9:30
    Dana 690 RX
    Kev B 644 215
    Rob 456 singles 215
    Steph 525 125
    Emma s 190 singles 75
    Kate C 341 125 FS

  3. noon
    Julia 552 185
    The Natalie 548 RX
    Pam 501 RX
    Rich 599 rx
    Dave 580 275
    Eiad 116 ski cals 53 KB deadlift
    Mark 559 235
    Jamie 934 RX

  4. 4:30
    Ben 72 Bike Cals
    Jeff 730 RX
    Samson 596 255#
    Alex Tu 458 255#
    Greg A. 305 275#
    Yex 454 17#
    Dan C. 830 RX
    Erika 284 165#
    Julia 391 RX
    Ryan 44 205#
    Remer 775#

  5. 5:30
    Seth 122.8 Bike Cals
    Shannon 116 Bike Cals 195#
    Bratty 94 115#
    Emma 336 singles + dubs
    Edgar 404 245#
    Rebecca 360 RX
    Lil D 410 Singles + dubs 185#
    Bacz 148 RX
