

30*20*10* reps of: 
Overhead Squat (95/135#)
GHD Sit-up

*100 ft Handstand Walk following each set

Community Notes:
Weekend Classes - Saturday CrossFit 9 AM/ Sunday Cardio 9AM Sunday and Lifting 10 AM are at the Lyons Den (555 w. Beidler Rd, KoP)

Monday 4th of July - 10 AM FREE FRIENDS AND FAMILY workout at CrossFit KoP!

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. – Jimmy Johnson


  1. 6 am
    Cate ke 19:13 85 59'
    Aimee 19:40rx
    Kate c 16:27 85 ab 10wwi
    Megz 17:40 75 10wwi
    Brian 16:41 115 strict press 1/2 GHD/Ab wwi
    AAshish 14:00 75 10wwi
    Edwin 14:01 80 10wwi
    Missy 15:42 35 situp 10wwi
    Sambo 13:04 10wwi

  2. 9:30
    Dana 24:11 rx
    julia 15:06 85 ab 50'
    Katie 17:08 3510wwi
    jackie 17:06 80 wwi
    Jill 17:28 50 10 wwi
    Kev 175 12:40 bear crawl some HSW
    Evan 27:46 65
    Erini 9:52 35 5 kickups

  3. noon
    Pam 14:11 75 10wwi
    Yex 14:04 75 wwi taps
    erin 19:52 rx
    Jeff 13:32 rx
    Dave 17:30 115 wwi
    Lee 15:56 wwi 35
    The natalie 13:47 35
    Remer 16:57 rx
    Jamie 16:15 10 WWI
    Geoff 14:58 taps

  4. 4:30
    Alex Tu 18:00 35# WW in attempts
    Will M 17:06 85#, bear crawl
    Keith 15:35 115#, SU, 50”

    Rachel 11:55 FS 95#, 1/2 GHD, 30 second weight shift
    Baez 21:21 RX
    Lil D 18:29 65#, 10 WW ins
    Edgar 17:50 75#, 20 pushups
    Rebecca 16:30 65# sit-ups, 30 second handstand hold
    Emma 16:56 45#, 3 walk up hold
