

All for time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (65/95#)
Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

Rest 5:00

21-15-9 reps of:
Hang Power Clean (105/155#)
Calories Air Bike 

Community Notes:


Join us in welcoming Ernesto from Movement 4 Wellness 

Movement for Wellness = Physical Therapy Done Right 

"They help active adults, lifters, and athletes resolve pain and help them get back to the workouts and sports they enjoy without medication, surgery, or stopping the activities they love."

Ernesto Mendez will be joining the CFKOP on a bi-weekly (as needed) basis; Some of you may have met him a few weeks ago at the box or at Super Total. His next time at CFKOP will be on Tuesday 5/24 starting at 2:00 PM.

CLICK HERE to check out his website or use the QR Code to sign up today. 
 Email for more information =  info@movementwellness.com 

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. 
-Viktor Frankl


  1. 6am
    Colette 14:24 rx
    Brian S 15:14 rx
    Edwin 18:58 65/75
    Kate C 20:56 rx
    Julia C 20:56 rx
    Mike C 19:25 65/85
    Kevin. B 15:52 75/105
    Jamie S 17:39 rx
    Mark S 20:22 85/135

  2. 9:30
    Mary 21:40 (35,44)(80,15-12-9)
    Sydney 22:55 (35,35)(65,15-12-9)
    Liz 21:50 (45,35)(55)
    Dan 18:00 RX
    Erini 23:01 (85HPC0
    Dana 20:24 (85HPC)
    Jackie 20:47 (55 thrusters
    Emily G 18:13 (85 HPC)
    Jill 21:34 (45,85)

  3. noon
    Sarah N 17:56 rx
    Pam 16:24 rx
    Gordy 17:08 ladies RX
    Remer 18:50
    Kev H 17:21 53/115
    Dana 17:55 rx
    Cate 20:02 rx
    Taylor 19:49 rx

  4. 4:30
    alex TU 19:51 (65,105)
    KPOP 18:48 (55,44,65)
    Lauren 20:03 (55,45,95)
    Erin 16:15 rx
    Lenny 17:48 (65,105)
    Jeff 14:59 rx
    Freaky 19:40 rx
    Megs 20:38 (85 15-12-9)
    Keith 17:41 (65,115)
    Greg 21:45 rx
    Donna 21:33 (95)
    Karen 19:07 (44, 85)
    Yex 20:02 (55,45,85)
    Meg o 15:50 rx

  5. 5:30
    Ben 22:43 (95,115)
    Randy 19:38 (75,125)
    Katie 22:22 (35,55)35
    Rebeecca 23 (95)
    Erika 21:07 (45,75) 44
    Lil d 21:28 (55,44,75)
    Seth 23:20 (75,125)
    Baez 22:02 RX+ 165

  6. 6:30
    Evan 24:51 ladies RX
    Jessie 23:38 (55/75) 35
    Emma 26:00 45/75 35
    Steph 24:07 (45/65) 44
    Missy 25:48 45/65 15-12-9 44
    ABO 20:58 85 HPC
