

5 Rounds for time of:
50 ft Handstand Walk 
12 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70#)
15 Box Jumps (24/30")

“Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us.” 


  1. 6 am
    Mike s 14:14 Around the world 25# 20"
    Erini 15:10 kickup 25# 20"
    Hannah 14:45 rx
    Julia 16:57 25# 20"
    Kristi 15:30 20# 20" kickups
    Subhan 16:50 25 shifts 60#
    Mark 17:47 5WWi 55#
    Danielle 16:21 5WWI 40#
    Sambo 14:42 5wwi
    Jamie `15:44 6wwi
    Brian 16:29 24" 5 wwi
    Elizabeth 14:56 rx
    Colette 11:20 45# 3wwi
    Keith 14:00 3 rounds

  2. 9:30
    Ina 16:09 WWI 20# 17"
    Jill 15:48 5wwi 35# 20"
    Jackie 15:44 5wwi 35# 17" 15# DB stepups
    Leah 14:36 attempts 25#
    Mary 15:36 attempts 25# 17" stepups

    Gianna 18:15 kickups 35
    Rich 18:00 rx
    Pam 13:33 5wwi
    Megz 16:21 5wwi 35# 20"
    Pete 24:01 rx
    Geoff 11:29 (1 pushup +4 tapsx5 53KB stepups

  3. 4:30
    Ben 15:40 hs hold, 50#, 15 cal bike
    ABO 14:45 WWins, 35#, 10 cal bike
    Jeff 13:14 RX
    Alex Tu 18:04 WWins, 35#
    Freaky G. 15:00 WWins
    Greg A. 18:41 RX
    Erin 15:09 1-min handstand walk
    Yex 13:31 20 handstand taps, 40#
    Samson 16:59 WWins, 55#
    Remer 13:04 RX
    Meg O. 14:21 RX
    Will 15:50 bear crawl, 45#, 15 cal assault bike

    Rebecca 13:37 handstand hold, 25#, 20”
    Lil D 16:ish WWins, 30#, 20” 1/2 17” 1/2
    Gia 14:18 35#, 20”
    Max 19:44 WWins, 55#
