

For time:
25 Pull-ups
25 Box Jumps (20/24")
25 Power Cleans (65/95#)
25 Pistols
40/50 Calorie Row
25 Pistols
25 Power Cleans (65/95#)
25 Box Jumps (20/24")
25 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
Please join us for a Tie Dye Community Day on Saturday 4/23 at 11:15 AM. 
All ages and family and friends are welcome, we have CFKOP shirts to sell for you to TieDye or you can bring your own!

This weeks quotes will be brought to you from the South!!!
I missed ya'll but learned a lot 

Southern Slang: 

"She was Madder Than a Wet Hen" 
Have you ever seen a wet hen? If so, you know that being madder than a wet hen is very mad indeed.


  1. 9:30
    Erini 18:46 some rom pistol
    ABO 18:04 banded strict steppe box pistol
    Jackie 19:09 18pu
    Jill 16:05n15rom butterfly 55 wrapped foot
    Liz 19:00 banded 45 wrapped
    Em G 16:56 box and courtesy

    Aimee 15:04 DB snatch 35 sub pistol
    Cate 17:49 db snatch 35 snatch sub pistol

  2. nooner
    Pete 18:21 rx
    Rich A 12:57 rx
    Carl 11:46 rx
    Pam 12:26 (15 pullups)
    Lauren 15:26 step-up/ 13" box pistol
    Heather 13:30rx
    Max 19:12 17" pistol box/ 85#
    Taylor 18:00 15" pistol/box
    Evan 18:42 75# pistol / sc 40 cal
    Granny 20:25 55#

    20 reps - 30 cal row
    Lee 16:56
    Lisa 16:45
    Linda 15:44
    Terry 16:04
    Kathy 15:36
    Regina 15:12

  3. 6:30
    Greg 15:59 rx
    Missy 19:25 banded pu 45# wrap pistol 17 in box
    Steph C 18:32 55# box pistols 17 in box
    Ben B 23:59 box pistols

    Gabby 17:45 Narrow squat 13 in box ring rows
    Gia 18:13 wrap pistol
    Seth 18:03 rv lunge 17 in rr
    Kevin 18:38 75# rr
    Michael C 18:44 20 in 75# wrap pistol
    Rebecca 19:30 wrap pistol 15 pull ups
    Meg O 11:56 rx
    Leo 20:15 75# wrap pistol
    Baez 19:57 wrap pistol
    Nick 20:25 boxpistol rr 65#
    Danielle C 18:02 17in box wrap pistol 55#
    Randy 15:25 rx
    RyanP 17:17 sc pistols

  4. 4:30
    Jeff 12:45 rx
    Erin 12:07 rx
    Lenny 15:47 Air squat
    Jerry 19:37 air squat / 25 cal row
    Remer 10:21 rx
    Kamilah 16:20 RR/Air Squat
    Kyle :) did a lot of work!
    Donna 16:50 Pistol ROM, 15 BF pullups practice
    Olan 19:52 pistol ROM
    Alex Tu 20:59 plate pistol 75#
    Freakt G 14:56 rx
    Matty Bo 18:18 ROM pistols
    Karen 19:27 pistol scale
    Mike Mit 20:20 old man scale

  5. 6:00

    Danielle 18:39 Rx
    Megs 17:49 Sc
    Mak 16:40 stepupistol
    Kate C 20:43 20 reps
    Colette 12:50 Rx
    Mike S 22:55 20"/75#/PisCale
    King 19:37 PisCale
    Mark 19:20 Pis20"
    Jamie 16:10 Rx
