

For time:
9 Bar Muscle Ups
21 Push Jerks (95/135#)
7 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Push Jerks (95/135#)
5 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Push Jerks (95/135#)

rest 5:00 

Take 10 minutes to build to a HEAVY 1 RM Push Jerk

“If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.” ― Coco Chanel


  1. 6 am
    Subhan 9:28 (7-5-3 115) 205
    Mark 8:27 C2b 160
    Mak 7:15 C2b 90# 140#
    Colette did work
    Julia 10:10 5,4,3BMU 85
    Bella 6:54 (85 , BCTB) 135#
    King 9:55 c2b 115 155
    Mike s 10:48/ PUx2/ 85, 115
    Brian 6:27 rx 225
    Ryan P 8:36 115, MUA 245
    Kate C 5:32 CTB attempts, 155
    Greg 9:38 rx 185
    Hannah 10:38 KABMU c2b 195

    aimee 7:17 rx 140
    Cate 14:04 5-7-9 BMU
    Jackie 7:38 JMU 85# 145
    Erini 8:35 75 jumping practice
    Mary 5:25 55 jumping 100
    Jill 8:35 65 jumping 105
    Liz 5:49 35 lowball jumping 65
    Em G 6:20 85 c2b banded 110
    ABo 5:33 85 hips to bar 120
    Byangelo :)
    Dana H 9:36 160

  2. noon
    Pam 6:24 (4-3-2BMU) 155
    Dana 9:37(BMU trans) 125
    Meg d 7:11 75/ JBMU 105
    Rich a 5:27 rx 245
    Meredith 7:20 JBMU 65 115
    Dave h 11:30 rx 185
    Pete 11:27 rings 175

  3. masters
    10 JBMU
    20 PJ
    8 JBMU
    15 PJ
    5 JBMU
    10 PJ

    Lisa 8:12 35# (45#)
    Mom 6:24 26# (46#)
    Kathy 6:11 26# (46#)
    Ina 8:53 53# 65#
    Lee 8:49 35#
    Terry 8:26 45# 83#

  4. 5:30
    Sean 3:50rx. 275#
    Seth 9:37 115# jmu 7-5-3. 205#
    Alex Brat 8:40 banded pu x 2 55#. 85#
    Natalie Dra 9:07 c2b x2 145#
    Baez 7:07 rx. 225#
    Danielle C 6:41 pull up x2 65# 90#

  5. 4:30
    Ben B 6:43 105# strict PU
    Laura S 8:29 65# / bar drill 110#
    Lenny 6:47 105#/ jump BMU / 167#
    Donna G 8:27 practice bar/ 115#
    Danielle G 8:05 practice bar/ 155#
    Remer 7:02 rx / 215#
    Jeff P (HBD!!!! ) 5:22 rx / 265#
    Erin M 7:03 rx / 135#
    Alicia 7:11 65/band/ 110#
    Joe S 10:36 rx / 195#
    Randy 10:33 (115)/ 165#
    Meg O 7:19 rx/ 135#
    Olan 9:23 115/ 195#
    Mike Mit 11:16 95# / 185#
    Alex Tu 8:13 95#/ 3/3/2 BMU/ 185#
    Freaky G 9:06 2 BM per rd/:)
    Yex - short legged friend :) 6:42 band 75#/ 125#
    Roberto 9:31 95#/ :)
    John Mc 12:23 105# 5 MB RR / 145#

  6. 6:30
    Erika 8:05 65# banded pu 75#
    Mike C 6:18 95# C2b 145#
