

Four -3:00 minute rounds of:
12/15 Calories Row
10 Hang Power Cleans (125/185#)
Max Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft)

Rest 2:00 between rounds

Score is the total number of wall balls in all 4 rounds.

Community Notes:
Join us in all classes on Friday 3/18 for the Maltz Challenge.
CLICK HERE to read more about it.

THE MALTZ CHALLENGE will be a FREE workout open to any and all Military, Police and Law Enforcement officers.

We are hosting a CrossFit Level 2 at the gym on March 19th/20th, therefore weekend classes will be at the Lyons Den, 555 w. Beidler Rd, King of Prussia. (9 AM Saturday/ 9 AM Sunday) - No Comp Class, No Kids Class. 

Life is a series of commas, not periods. -Matthew McConaughey


  1. 6am
    Colette 149 RX
    Mak 109 105#
    Subhan 80 155#
    King 82 115#
    Julia 64 95#
    Mike C 59 105# 14# 9ft
    Mike S 46 12 cal 95# 14#
    Brian S 112 RX
    Kate C 53 RX
    Kristi 50 733 8#
    Mark S 85 145#
    Danielle G 129 RX

  2. 9:30
    Jackie 93 105#
    Mary H 112 DB clean 20# 10# WB
    Jill H 70 75# 10#
    Em G 98 85#

  3. nooner
    Dana H 65 rx
    Gordy 97 125#/14# to 9ft
    Pam G 114 rx
    Rich A 94 rx
    Carl 100 rx
    Geoff 88 125#/20#DB thruster
    Jordan 64 85/14#

  4. Roberto 54 135#
    Alex Tu 54 125#
    Jeff P 102 rx +30#
    Erin 66 rx
    Edwin 79 75#/14#
    Gianna 102 65#
    Yes 96 85#
    Karen :)
    John Mc 39 125#/85#
    Mike Mit 47 135 9ft
    Olan 66 155#
    Matty Bo 86 155#
    Joe S 86 rx
    Montenez 24 110#
    Ben 64 155#


  5. Bella 71 85
    Seth 88 150#
    Emma 74 75# 10#
    Sean 172 Rx
    Hannah 150 Rx
    Ericka 61 55#
    Matt 53 105# 20#
    Baez 61 Rx
    Danielle c 53 75# 10#
    Ryan p 86 155#
    Remer 74 Rx

  6. 6:30
    Emma E 47 75#
    Steph 67 75#
    Max 48 115#
    Evan 55 95# 14#
    Greg 73 165
