

1 RM Snatch 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
3 Bar Muscle Ups 
10 Power Snatch (50% of 1 RM)

"Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong." 
- Mandy Hale


  1. 6am
    Julia 125 4+10 (1 mu)
    Elizabeth clean 185 5 practice
    Mark S clean 215 5 spu power clean
    Brian S 165 5 rx
    Subhan 135 3+2 rx
    Kristi 35 4+9 25# h2b attempts
    Hannah 135 PR! 4+6 bmu attempts
    Kate C 105 4+3 h2b
    Bella 90 4 jumping bmu box

  2. 9:30
    em g:) 4+1 55# jumping
    jackie 110 4+6 jumping
    Erini 45 45 35n jumping
    Shannon Practice 4+ 25 kip swings
    Mary bench 4+10 Db bench banded strict

    Dana H 133 Double 4+5 RX
    meredith 95 4+9 hip to bar
    Keith 225 3+2 rx
    Alicia 110 3+6 hip to bar
    Rich a 198 5+1 rx
    Pam 11- 4+2 @BMU
    Carl 200 PR 4+ 9 rx
    Geoff 205 squat clean

  3. Aimee 118 5+ 4 rx
    Cate 113 5 + 1 rx

  4. 4:30
    Randy 145j 4+6 rx
    Jeff P 205 5+10 rx
    Erin M 105 4+3 rx
    Edwin 85 4 JBMU
    Marissa 135 4+1 rx
    Ben B 165 3+1 BMUA
    Lenny 123 4+1 hips to bar
    Olan 155 4+1 rx
    Alex Tu 135 3+3 rx
    John Mc 95 4+3 JBMU
    Laura S 75 4+3 JBMU
    Kamilah 85 4 sc
    Mike Mit 135 3+3 rx
    Alex Th 85 4 BMUA
    Karen M 95 5 hips to bar
    Matty Bo 175 pr 3+3 hips to bar BMUA

  5. 5:30
    Emma o 65 5 kip swings
    Seth 165 5 75 kip swings
    greg 165 5+3 rx
    Baez 185 :)
    Gian franco 160 4+8 rx
    Alex bratcher 55 PR 4+7 JBMU 35
    Danielle c 5 kips

  6. 6:30
    remer 165 5=6 rx
    emma 95# 3+3 banded
    Missy 55# 4+2 hips to bar
    Steph 75 4+3 45 hips to bar
    Suriyah 45 2 35#
    Evan 105 2+8 75# hips to bar
    Abo 95 # 5=12 hips to bar
