

Deadlift + Hang Clean + Front Squat

Cash out:
For max reps:
2:00 Deadlift
2:00 Hang Cleans
2:00 Front Squats
(use 50% of your 1 RM for the cash out)

If you can react the same way to winning and losing, that’s a big accomplishment. 
- Chris Evert


  1. 6am
    Subhan 185 40/10/18
    Brian S 215 50/18/28
    Mike S 130 45/21/21 hpc
    Kristi 83 43/14/13
    Kate C 150 37/15/19
    Hannah 135 66//37/29 hpc
    Greg 225 50/20/15
    Bella 130 40/13/12 (85#)

  2. 9;30
    Erini 95 79/36/48
    Jill 100 DL+2HPC 50/27/36 Air squats
    Abo 120 51/22/26
    ABo 120 PR 61/31/31
    Colette 195 50/25/20
    Aimee 147 80/34/30
    Cate 155 49/30/21
    taylor 245 50/23/17

  3. noon
    dana 165 53/33/23
    Rich a 276 50/20/24
    CARL 255 50/20/21
    PAM g 165 70/33/24
    Alicia 130 60/30/22
    Kevin 245 53/15/11
    Geoff 185 50/15/15

  4. 4:30
    Matty Bo 215 53 32 18
    Roberto 195 50 25 25
    Ben 215 40 21 20
    Edwin 105 40 13 25
    Alex Tu 205 50 20 15
    Kamilah 130 50 30 15
    Yex 120 65 35 35
    Mike Mit 185 50 24 24
    Meg D 112.5 60 30 30
    Erin M 155 PR! 50 30 30
    Remer 225 35 31 25
    Karen 120 65 35 33
    Jeff P 305 46 21 19
    Freaky G 135 778 45 30
    Meg O 155 60 35 33
    Jerry T 185 60 32 26
    Joe S 225 50 20 25
    The Nat 165 PR! 52 32 30
    Gianna 95 60 31 30
    Kyle J 225
    Keith 275 35 25 26

  5. 5:30
    danielle g 110 50/22/22
    Alex bratcher 90 35/21/16
    Seth 220 37/24/20
    Randy 195 60/31/26
    Mark 205 46/27/21
    Sean 330 57/25/21
    Emma 100 36 24/17
    Leo 115 27/18/14
    Baez 265 63/20/16

    Leah 90 54/30/20
    Max 175 40/26/26
    Steph 100 64/32/20
    Evan 155 46/25/20
    Grace 125 53/26/15
