

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
15 Box Jump Overs (20/24")

CLICK HERE to see the standards and score card.

If you're not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback."
-Brene Brown


  1. Kate C 132 rx
    Julia 207 rx
    Mike S 186 sc
    Colette 167 rx
    Subhan 182 rx
    Erini 150 rx
    Donna G 123 rx
    Natalie Dentist 30 rx
    Aimee 213 rx
    Cate 161 rx
    Dana H 177 rx
    Panos 180 rx
    Taylor 148 rx
    Gordy 31 rx
    Meredith 111 rx
    Jill H 200 sc
    Meg D 129 rx
    Pam G 212 rx
    Mark S 152 rx
    Jamie S 212 rx
    Dave H 191 rx
    Pete D 198 rx
    The Natalie 162 rx
    Jess A 122 sc
    Rich A 211 rx
    Kevin H 153 rx
    Geoff 187 sc
    Marissa 206 rx
    Alicia 135 rx
    Samson 150 rx

  2. Kyle j 249 rx
    Mak 256 sc
    Jeff p 213 rx
    Edwin 214 s
    King 136 rx
    Yes 142 rx
    Em g 2 rx
    Erin 268 rx
    Keith 155 rx
    Joe s 166 rx
    Abo 1 rx 145 sc
    Randy 182 rx
    Will 211 sc
    Danielle 165 rx
    Hannah 249 rx
    Karen 31 rx
    Olan 162 rx
    Meg o 249 rx
    Laura s 91 rx
    Sean 283 rx
    Greg 197 rx
    Emma e 211 rx
    Emma n 196 sc
    Kristen 155 rx
    Tommy 196 rx
    Jackie 90 rx
    Evan 146 rx
    Freaky g 181 rx
    Alan 183 sc

  3. Seth 165 sc
    Ben b 92 rx
    Kristi 274 sc
    Brat her 204 sc
    Leah 2 rx

  4. Hannah’s score was 279 not 249 sorry red team

  5. updated scores
    Lenny 200
    Elizabeth 275
    Jeff 250
    Terry 212 sc
    Cate 183 rx
    Dave H 198 rx
    Dana h 191 rx
    Rich a 223
    Carl b 256 rx
    Steve 123 foundations
    Kathy 150 sc
    Lee 213 sc
    ina 91 rx
    kyle 274 rx
    remer 220 rx
