
W.O.D. 1.7.22

For time: 
27-21-15 reps of:
Front Squat (105/155#)
Handstand Push-up

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start. 
-Nido Qubein


  1. 6 am
    hannah 12:30 rx

    Jim 8:26 snake 55#

    Pam 14:55 1ab
    Roberto 15:38 115#
    Makayla 8:43 35# pu to db
    Mark 10:58 125# pushup
    Meg d 13:46 85#
    Jamie 16:30 rx
    Sean 11:06 185# strict RX+
    Geoff 8:01 BS 155# pushups

  2. 4:30 PM/ 5:30 PM
    Shannon 10:50 55# 17" box HSPU
    Joe S 15:08 1 AB
    Freaky G 15:10 sc
    Marissa A 16:45 rx
    Alex Tu 12:46 15#/ 15/12/9 box HSPU 20"
    Remer 14:47 strict RX+
    Yes 12:33 85# 1 AB
    John Mc 1025 rom Pushup 105#
    Erin M 12:26 rx
    Jeff P 8:22 rx
    Karen M 11:09 3 AB/ROM 15/12/9 hspu
    Brian S 11:48 rx
    Greg A 18:22 rx
    Sam Bo 9:15 ROM
    Alex Brom 16:00 1.5 ish ABMATS :)
    Subhan 14:36 135#/ 21/15/9 hspu
    Meg O 10:31 strict RX +
    Leah M 12:57 65#/ 2 AB 15/12/9
    Will M 13:10 105# safety squat SA DB Press

    Danielle C 9:13 55#/ 12/9/6 2 AB
    Alex Brach 13:16 12 hspu to 20" 1 AB/ kick ups 5/6/7 per rd
    Jonathan 13:57 rx
    Abby F 11:16 85 1 AB (thanks for dropping in!)
    Emma E 11:43 85# 1 AB 21/15/9
    Bella 7:22 85#/ push ups
