
January Member Spotlight

 We'd like to Spotlight Megan O. this month for her outstanding ability to Handstand walk with great ease and pristine style. We asked Megan to share with us how she got there. Check it out!

Hi, I'm Megan O!
I am an elementary school health & physical education teacher at a private school in West Chester, PA. I also coach tumbling at a cheerleading gym.

So Megan, how long have you been doing CrossFit?
I have been doing CrossFit for about 5 years with a few breaks in between.

You seem to gravitate toward gymnastics, tell us why.
My background is actually in cheerleading and not gymnastics. I cheered for about 10 years. My favorite part of cheer is tumbling. I love the thrill of how high and powerful my tumbling pass could be. Tumbling definitely helped me with my handstand push ups and handstand walks. Some people say I walk better on my hands than I do on my feet ( I’ve had a few foot injuries in my day )

We see you’re really strong at handstand walks, did they come natural to you? Do you have any tips or tricks you could pass along?
I've been flipping myself upside down for pretty much all my life. We actually never did handstand walks in cheerleading but I was very comfortable on my hands. Because I was so comfortable, learning to handstand walk didn’t take me long.

My advice for anyone working on their handstand walks is before you start walking learn to be comfortable in a freestanding handstand and learn how to fall out of a handstand properly. If you can hold a freestanding handstand for 5+ seconds you’re going to be more comfortable pushing yourself while walking. If you know how to safely fall out of a handstand you’ll be more likely to take that extra step.

Any funny stories or mistakes you’ve made doing them?
I’ve stepped on my hair a few times. So if you have long hair definitely tie it up.

Can you remember a time when you couldn’t do handstand walks? What was the process like being able to finally do them RX?
I do remember not being able to do them. I was very determined so I I practiced every single day until I got them. It took me about a month.

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