
W.O.D. 12.17.21

For time:
100 Hang Power Snatch (45/65#)
100 Push Press (45/65#)
100 SumoDeadlift High Pull(45/65#)
100 Front Squats (45/65#)

CLICK HERE to compare to 6.23.21

Coaches Notes:
(athletes can partition this as they see fit)...
Advent ticket for doing it straight through, all 100 reps in order as written!

ADVENT DAY 17--> Join us at Festivus and receive an Advent Ticket!

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! "Festivus" OUR HOLIDAY PARTY is at 5 PM. 
(no 4:30/5:30 classes)

Feats of strength, airing of grievances, White Elephant gift exchange, Food, Friends and Festiveness will all be there waiting for you! Wear your most festive outfit; we will have a meal and drinks, but please bring a snack, treat or drink to help celebrate the holiday season with you fit-fam!

Do something today that your future self will thank you for. 
-Sean Patrick Flannery


  1. 6 am
    15:43 (50 reps)
    Mike s 31:00 (33) segmented
    Julia 26:18 75 reps
    Kate C 28:15 rx Unpartioned PR
    Brian 18:52 rx
    25:15 (mens rx) partioned

  2. 9:30
    Andrew 35:00 ROM
    Kamilah 21:22 (50 reps / 35#
    Yex 25:33 rx PR
    Karen 28:27 RX
    Jill 23:56 #35 PR
    May 33:20 (35# , block SDHP)

    Marissa 26:24 rx
    Taylor 26:43 rx

  3. noon
    Jim 19:25 (50 reps) 33#
    Gordy 19:17 45# 80 reps
    Jessie 18:48 45# 50 reps
    Remer 26:49 RX unpart
    Rivh a 19:40 RX UNpart
    The natalie 22:33 rx parioned
    Pam 19:54 partioned rx
    Dana d 24:43 PR RX Unpartioned
    Aimee 19:43 rx unpartioned
    Cate 22:37 RX partioned
    Sean F 21:39 rx unpartioned
    Meg d 26:19 rx partioned
    Pete d 23:08 rx partioned
