
W.O.D. 11.4.21

 AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
5 Power Snatch (65/95#)
5/7 Calories Ski

rest 3:00 minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
7 Ring Dips
7 Squat Cleans (65/95#)

rest 3:00 minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
9 Toes to Bar
9 Push Jerks (65/95#)

Community Notes:
Saturday 11/6 we are hosting our first competition back since Feb 2020! 
The Dudes and Dames Competition. 
Come out to cheer on your fellow CrossFit KOPers and spectate. 
Heats begin at 8:30 AM.

Class Saturday 11/6 (9 AM) will be held at the Lyons Den, 555 w. Beidler Rd, KoP.
There is NO 7 AM Comp Class.

Saturday at 7:00PM all members are welcome for a BON FIRE at the Lyons Den.
Bring something to burn, and share some food and drinks!

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination." 
 - Tommy Lasorda


  1. 6:30
    mark 5+3 rx, 3+9 rx 4+3 toes to post
    jamie 6+1 rx 5+8 pushup 6 v-up
    kamilla 4+5 55#, 3+6 box dip , 4 knee up
    Kate 4+5 rx , 3+10 box dip , 5+8 toes to post

    Christine 5+1 rx ,4+5 Rx, 4+16 Rx
    Cate 5+1 rx , 3+8 rx 6 RX
    aimee 6+5 FS 73#, 5 row slam ball 20#
    Jackie 5 Rx, 3 4dips, 4+9 TTB ROM
    Em G 4 +3 RX , 4+7 box dips, 5+1 4TTB 3KU
    Alex 4+8 RX, 4+8 box, 4+12 ROM
    shannon 4 35#, 4+5 box, 4+2 KU

    Ben b 4RX, 3+10 RX, 3RX
    Mattybo 5 Rx/ 3+3/ 4+3 ROM
    Rich A 5RX/5RX/ 4+6 RX
    Meredith 5RX/ 4+5 band/ 3+14
    Dana 4+6 Rx/ 4+7 pushup / 4+13 RX
    Taylor 5+5 RX/ 4+5 RX RX/ 3+6 RX
    Pete D 5 RX/ 4+8 RX/ 4+8
    reverse order
    Jill H 4+9 55 ROMTTB/ 5+3 55# / 4 box dips 55#
    leda 5+3 55#/ 4+5 55#/ 3+1 ROM 55#
    Ryan s 4+12 RX/ 4 RX/ 3+10 RX strict
    Dave H 4+9 bike/ 4+8 RX/ 4+7 RX
    Pam G 4+1 bike / 4+9RX/ 5+1 Boxdips

  2. 4:30
    Marissa 5+3 3+2 4+9 rx
    Olan 3+6 4+9 3+15 rx
    Alex Th 5rx 4 box dips 3+12 rx
    Natalie Dr 4+3 3+7 4+6 (1/2 feet on box dips)
    Meighan 4+8 4+7 5+1 55# push ups
    Sam 5+5 rx 5+12rx 7 vups
    Jeff 5+5 5+5 5+9 rx
    Erin M 5+3 3+7 5+6 rx
    Kristen 5+5 4+7 box dips 4+5 rom 45#
    Alex T 3+2 4 3+5 rom 75#
    Greg 4 4+6 5 rx
    Karen Mas 4 4+10 3+7
    Megan O 5+5 4+7 5+6 rx
    Laura S 4 3+6 fobd 4 rom 45#
    Mitt 3+5 4+8 3+14 75#

  3. 5:30
    Danielle G 5+7 rx 5 box dips 5 rom
    Baez 4+1 3+11 4+1 rx
    Seth 2 3+7 box dips 3 knee up
    Matt T 4 4+7 4+17 45#
    Gia 4 3+9 feet on box dips 4 rom 55#
    Danielle C 4+3 4 fob 4 rom 55#
    Leah 4 4+7 box dips 5 vups 35#
    Randy 4+1 2+9 3 rx
    Zoey 6 4 4

  4. 6:30
    Nick 3/2+10/2+14 65# box dips ROM T2B
    Steph C. 4+3/4/3+7 55# box ring dips ROM T2B

  5. Masters
    AMRAP in 5:
    5 Cal ski
    5/Goblet Squat
    rest 3:00
    AMRAP in 5:
    5 Cal Row
    5 Slamballs
    rest 3:00
    AMRAP in 5:
    5 Cal Bike
    5 DB HPC

    Barb C 5 18#/ 5 15# 4+2 20#DB
    Ina 5 26#/ 5 15#/ 5 20#
    Terry 6 26#/6 15#/ 6 20#
    Regina 6 13#/ 5 10#/ 6 15#
    Kathy 5 13#/ 4+5 20 #/ 5 15#

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