
W.O.D. 11.22.21


 Five rounds, each for time of: 
20 Pull-ups 
30 Push-ups 
40 Sit-ups 
50 Squats 

 Rest precisely three minutes between each round. 
Record total time for all rounds including rest.

CLICK HERE to compare to (2.12.21)
CLICK HERE to compare to (5.19.21)
CLICK HERE to compare to (8.26.21)

Community Notes:
We will be CLOSED on Thursday 11/25 in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. 

Friday 11/26 we will run our regular schedule, join us to "Burn the Bird" in any of our regular classes. 
Complete a 10 K of your choice, row, bike, ski, run or a combo of all to total 10K!

All weekend classes, Saturday 11/27 (7am/9am) and Sunday 11/28 (9am cardio) will be held at the Lyons Den (we are hosting a Level 1 Seminar at the gym)

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”— Lao-Tze


  1. 6 am
    mikes 36:42 10-15-30-40 snake
    Subhan 25:15 4 rounds rx
    julia 32:40 10-20-30-40 snake
    Laura 24:27 Rom pull-up box pushup 10-20-30-40 deadbugs
    Kate c 31:15 10-20-30-40 snake pushups
    Elizabeth 34:12 Rx
    Hannah 37:45 RX
    Brian 33:12 10 strict pullups
    Greg 33:52 rx
    Bell 28:30 3 rounds banded pullups

    9:30 jill 33:12 10-15-30-40
    Em g 35:48 15 pu
    shannon 36:12 banded Pullup ROm pushups
    Makayla 34:06 RR Boxpushup Hollow Box squats
    jackie 33:23 10-20-30-40 box squats

  2. nooner
    Rich A 29:45 rx
    Lenny 44:50 rx
    Gordy 32:04 10/20/40/50
    Pam G 29:45 1/2 Pull/Push RR 17" box
    Karen M 32:48 10/15/40/50
    Donna G 30:55 PR!!! snake 10/20/30/40
    Natalie Dentist 35:40 10/15/30/40 snake band 2x
    Dana H 36:41 rx pr!!!
    Dave H 23:50 10 RR/ 20/30/50
    Geoff 25:56 5 rds 1/2 reps

    Aimee 29:06 rx
    Taylor 30:54 (4 rds/ 17" box)

  3. 4:30
    Dana D 40:50 rx
    Olan 26:27 (3 rds)
    Mike Mit 42:44 ROM :)
    Erin M :)
    Jeff P 28:21 rx PR! board!
    Alex Tu 31:40 1 rd reg (4 rds 10/20/30/40
    Alex Th 36:58 snake PR!
    Yex 35:39 snake
    Meg D 33:30 rx PR!
    Meg O 36:02 rx
    Joe S 35:20 4 rds

  4. 5:30
    Leah 37:43 (10/15/40/50)
    Danielle C. rds 1-3 (10/20/30/40) rds 4-5RX
    Baez 38:43RX
    Seth 44:43 rr
    Mark S. 40:17RX
    Jamie S. 38:30RX
    Samson 34:05RX
    Nick 27:35 3rds (10/20/30/40) rr

  5. owen :)
    steph 29:52
    Tommy 37:55 RX
    Evan 29:55 10-20-25-30
    Ben :)
    Danielle 36:46 15 PU/ 10 push

  6. 6am
    Mike S 36:42 10-15-30-40 snake push ups
    Subhan 25:15 4 rounds RX
    Julia 32:40 10-20-30-40 snake push ups
    Laura 24:27 ROM pullups, box push up, dead bugs 10-20-30-40
    Kate C 31:15 10-20-30-40 snake push ups
    Liz 34:13 Rx
    Hannah 37:45 RX
    Brian S 33:12 10 strict pullups
    Greg 33:52 RX
    Bella 28:30 3 rnds, banded pullups
