
W.O.D. 11.18.21

Isa- Grace
30 Power Snatch (95/135#)
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

CLICK HERE to compare to  (2.26.21) 
CLICK HERE to compare to (5.13.21)
 CLICK HERE to compare to (8.10.21)

Rest 5:00 

take 15 Minutes to....
Build to a HEAVY Power Snatch OR Clean and Jerk (athletes choice) 

“Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” 
— Will Smith


  1. 6:00
    kamilah 7:21 55# snatch 85#
    Brian 4:23 95# snatch 155#

  2. 9:30
    Emily G 6:57 65# snatch 75/ C & J 105
    Alex Brom 7:06 70# snatch 90 PR!!!
    Jackie H 6:39 75# hang / block snatch 105

    Dana H 8:57 rx 121.25 Snatch

    Pam 6:53 75#/ clean and jerk 135
    Carl B 8:49 rx / snatch 170
    Rich A 6:27 rx/ Clean and Jerk 250
    Dave H 8:17 rx/ snatch 155#
    Lisa M :) 22#/ about 11:00 did work
    Pete D 11:27 115/135# / Snatch 135
    Taylor 8:37 rx / snatch 185#

    Evan 10:50 63/83
    Kathy 9:24 15/35
    Regina 8:57 35#
    Barb C 10:21 35#

  3. Marissa 7:39 rx 135 snatch or
    Sambo 4:52 rx Cj 235
    Samson 9:34 115# Cj 165
    Mitt 8:57 85# Cj 145
    Olan 8:49 115 snatc 145
    Erin 5:26 75# Cj 130
    Jeff 6:18 rx 185 snatch
    Alex 6:39 85# snatc 135
    Freaky g 7:10 rx
    John mc 7:36 85# snatc 95
    Keith 8:22 115# snatch 205
    Meg o 7:22 rx snatch 120
    Karen 8:56 75 c 115

  4. Danielle 6:42 55# PR!!! 95 C&J
    Jamie 7:22 RX PR!! 115 snatch
    Johnathan 12:21 RX 185 snatch
    Greg 9:01 125 PR!!! 215 (SQUAT) C&J
    Leah 8:46 55# 65 snatch
    Emma 6:42 55# 115 C&J
    Gia 7:08 65# PR!!!! 105 C&J
    Ben 11:30 115# PR!! 185 C&J
