
W.O.D. 9.9.21

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
50 Air Squats
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#)
5 Ring Muscle Ups

Rest 5:00 

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
50 Forward Lunges in Place
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (35/50#)
10 Handstand Push-ups

The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each new day to have a new and different sun…. Don’t settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon. 
- Jon Krakauer


  1. 6 am
    Greg 2+60 Rx 2+53 Rx
    Christian 3+20 95# JRMU 3+25 45# pike hspu
    Sam 2 bar muscle up 2+61 Rx
    Subhan 2+68 40# 2 13 C2 cal 3 rmu
    Natalie 2+10 35# transitions 2+53 15# pike hspu
    Elizabeth 3+65 Rx 3+62 MU transitions
    Melendez 3 Rx 3+63 Rx
    Mak 4+7 JRMU 4+3 1 abmat
    Brian 3+30 JRMU 3+3 Rx
    Jamie 3 JRMU 3+60 Rx
    Mark 3 95# JRMU 3+9 z press

  2. 9:3
    Aimee 2+64 Rx / 4 Rx
    Cate 2+55 3 mu per / 3+30 Rx
    Colette :)
    Jackie h 2+55 (75# jmu) 2+23 (25#/ 3 abmat
    Meg 4 rmu Attempts
    Karen m 4+56 scaled / 1+69 scaled
    Olan 2+50 jump transition /2+19 2 abmat
    Alex 3+20 trans 75# / 2+53 25# 2 abmat
    Missy 3+28(15# 5 RR single arm) 2+43 15 single arm
    Em 3+25 (65/Band transition)
    Dana h 2 Rx/ 3 Rx

  3. nooner
    Pete D 3+2 rx / 4+6 rx
    Kevin H 3 + 60 95#/ 3+3 35#
    Meg D 3 + 21 85# trans/ 2 +67 25 lunge/squat
    Matt Tax 2 (5 strict ring dips) / 2 + 32 rx
    Meredith 3 +45 65/trans 3+14 25# 2AB
    Rich A 3+ 50 rx/ 3 +5 rx
    Pam G 4 +25 65# DB push Pull/ 3 + 48 sink bug
    Dana D 3 +51 trans / 3 + 6 25#
    Geoff 3 +6 95 # DB Push Pull/ 2 + 63 pushups/ 25#

  4. masters

    AMRAP in 8
    35 Air Squat
    10 HPC
    5 Ring MU trans

    rest 3:00

    AMRAP in 8
    30 Lunges
    10 HPC DB
    5 HSPU

    Terry 3 53#/ 3 + 28 15# 3 AB
    Kathy 2 + 40 53#/ 2 10# DB box Push ups
    INa 3 53#/ 3 + 10 1 # 3 AB
    Anne B 3 35#/ 3 + 25 15# SB
    Regina 2 + 46 33# / 3 _23 10# DB Box Pushups

  5. 4:30
    Joe M 2+56 10 ghd/3 sa db clean, sa db floor press 45#
    Joe S 2+60rx/2+63rx
    Natalie Dra 3+5 trans/3+18 1 mat
    Donna 2+60 trans/2+64 25# 2 mats
    Alex Th 3 (3 h2r/3 trans)/3+1 2 mats
    Roberto 3+50rx/2+67rx
    Isaiah 2+31 trans/2+60 35# 3 mats
    Yex 3 65# trans/3+25 25#
    Renee 3+10 75# c2b/3+5 25# 1 mat
    Denise 3 (3 h2r/3 trans)/3+4 30#

    Gia 3 75# trans/2+47 30# 2 mats
    Leah 2+57 75# trans/2+40 25# 2 mats
    Danielle C 2+60 75# trans/ 2+42 25# 2 mats eccentric lowers

  6. 6:30
    Tommy 3+22 (105#, chest to rings) / 3+63 (30#, stinkbugs)
    Emma 3+40 (55#, trans) / 4+30 (20#)
