
W.O.D. 9.27.21

 Clean and Jerk 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
7 Clean and Jerks (@60% or 1 RM)
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

“The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little longer time.” – Lady Aberdeen


  1. 6am:
    Mike S. 125#, 3 rounds, pullups
    Mak 155#, 3+2 RX
    Sean F. 275#, 4 rounds RX
    Hannah 185# PR!!! 3+2 RX
    Elizabeth 170# PR!!! 2+13 RX
    Brian S. 215#, 3+2 RX
    Kate C. 150#, 2+8 4C2B, 3 pullups
    Subhan 195#, 3+2 RX
    Shannon 35# (clean only), 3+3, banded pullups, 35# clean

  2. Rich A 260 PR 3 + 11 rx
    Remer 235 3+3 rx + squat cleans
    Matty Bo 215 2 + 10 band
    Max 165 3 rx
    Meredith 115 3 + 5 band
    Kevin H 225 3 + 7 rx
    Jess D 90# 3 band
    Dana H 160#
    Gordy 176#

    Mary 115 # 3 PU
    Jackie 150 # 3 + 4 PU
    Jill 105 3+7 , Pu
    Emily G 100 3 + 1 65#

  3. 5:30
    Randy 180# 3 RX
    Ben 215 2+1 PU
    Jonathan 245# 2+ 8 RX
    Mark 205# 3+2 RX
    Seth 185# 2 RR
    Danielle C 95# PR 3+1 PU
    Jamie 165# 3+12 RX
    Danielle G 150# 3 RX
    FR Greek 130# 3+4 RX
    Greg 225# PR 3+7
    Natalie 145# 3+4 PU

  4. 4:30
    Alex TU 175# PR 2+ 9 RX
    Jeff 265# 3+4 RX
    Kristen 85# 2+11 Kip PU
    Rene 105# 3+ 5 band
    Marissa 176# 3 RX
    Samson 190# Pr 3+2 RX
    Isaiah 205# 2+3 RX
