
W.O.D. 9.20.21

 3 Rounds for time of:
25 Dumbbell Push Jerks (35/50#)
50 Double Unders
25 Weighted Dumbbell Step Ups (35/50# to 20/24")
50 Double Unders

“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” – Flavia Weedn


  1. 9:30
    Aimee 20:25 17”
    Jill 18:55 20# 75 singles
    Jackie 20:42 25# 30 dubs
    Em g 25:30 rx

  2. Noon
    Rich A 23:24 rx
    Sam Bo 19:03 (lots of PP)
    Gordy 15:02 25 DU/25#
    Dana H 23:55 RX
    Keith 20:53 (30#/20")
    Alicia (welcome back!!!) 21:31 (20#)
    Chris L 20:52 20"/30#
    Geoff 18:17 25# (25 DU)
    Ryan S 20:00 30#
    Alexis 22:25 (25#)

  3. 4:30
    NP Renee W 16:43 25#
    Alex Th 21:32 rx
    Emma 14:14 10 cal bike 13" / 20 #
    Dana D 16:58 30#/17"
    Donna G 21:27 30#
    Meg D 19:24 25#/13"
    Jeff P 15:09 rx
    Kevin H 15:31 35#
    Laura S 21:15 20# 90 sec DUA
    Kristen N 21:30 20#
    Marissa 20:00 RX
    Matt B 24:45 35#
    Mike Mit 24:40 30#
    John Mc 24:40 30#/20" SU
    Alex Tu 24:05 25#/ 20
    Karen M 19:23 25#/100 SU
    Isaiah 24:30 90 sec DUA 30#/20"

  4. 6:30
    Alex Br 23:26 25#, 17”, 25 dubs
    Missy 17:13 15#, 17”, 25 dubs

  5. 5:30
    Greg 20:54 40#
    Jonathan 29:36 Rx
    Jamie 13:32 some pushpress
    Mark 20:38 ladies Rx
    Chris 21:26 Rx
    Danielle 17:51 Rx
    Randy 21:36 40#
    Ana 19:22 fitness
    Sandeep 21:32 30# 20” singles
    Joe s 21:34 35#
    Seth 22:54 40# 20” singles
    Max 19:56 30# 30 dubs
    Danielle c 15:22 20# 17” singles
    Tommy 18:50 35 20” 60 singles
    Natalie 15:47 25#

  6. 6am
    Elizabeth 14:26 RX
    Mike S. 19:02 25#, 15 dubs, 20" box
    Sean F. 13:02 RX
    Hannah 13:32 RX
    Brian S 15:$0 20", 30#, 25 dubs
    Briana 19:05 30#
    Ben 19:50 30#, bike
    Kate C 19:23 40#, ski
    Subhan 16:04 30# step ups, 40# push jerk
