
W.O.D. 9.14.21

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10/15 Calorie Row
10 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)
10/15 Calories Air Bike
10 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (2/45# Plates - 4/45# Plates)

“Things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive.” 
– Lou Holtz


  1. 9:30
    Ben 3+28 DB Push up
    Em 4+15 3 mats strict
    Alex Brom 4 55# 1 mat
    Jackie 3+30 3 mats
    Jill 3+26 55# 2 mats

  2. Noon
    Dana H 2+35 rx
    Aimee 4+30 rx
    Carl 4+42 rx
    Pam 4+7 cleans, sb
    Mike M 4+25 rx
    Ana 4+10 rx
    Rich A 3 rx
    Matt T 3+33 (3 def hspu/rnd)
    Pete 3+39 rx
    Danielle C 4+2 45# sb
    Jess A 4+36 55# sb
    Alexis 4+30 55# sb
    Meredith 4+11 2 mats
    Geoff 4+10 200m run 1 min dubs
    Max 3 75# reg hspu
    Kevin H 4 75# 5 dhspu
    Cate K 4+35 rx
    Denise 3+30 (1.5 in def)

  3. masters
    Anne B 6 - 5 HPSnatch 35# Pushup
    Gordy 4 +5 65# 2 AB
    Terry 4 + 14 3 AB 35#
    Barb C 3 + 31 35# box HSPU 2 AB
    Regina 4 + 20 15# box hasp 2 AB
    Kathy 3 + 35 15# pushup

  4. 4:30
    Kristen 5+20 push-ups 55
    Jeff p 3+43 Rx
    Matt bo 3+34 3ab
    Sam bo 5+15 hspu
    Donna g 4+10 55# 2ab
    Dave h 4+22 1 ab
    Natalie dentist 3+18 35# pike
    Laura s 315 45# 2ab
    Olan 3+40 3ab
    Karen 4+20;55# 3ab c2
    John Mc 3 scaled

  5. 5:30
    Surya 3+25 30# pushups
    Meg O. 5+31RX
    Randy 3+26 1ab
    Seth 3+25 seated press 30#
    Greek Freak 4+25 1 1/2 ab
    Emma 4+6 35#
    Jonathan :)

    Steph 4 55# hspu rom/stink bugs/pushups
    Missy 4+8 35# hspu rom

  6. 6:00a

    Danielle 4+33 SDP
    Jamie 3+33 Rx
    Mark 4+42 1ab
    Mak 4 HSPU
    Hanna 3+35 HSPU
    Mike S 3+15 65 box
    King 3+41 75 ab
    Julia 5 55#x5reps C2 HSPU
    Sean 5+40 Rx
    Elizabeth 4+37 Rx
    kate C 4 2ab
    Subhan 3+2 2x45defecit
