
W.O.D. 10.1.21

 Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 
5 Deadlifts (185/275#)
10 Box jumps (20/24 inch box)
20 Double Unders

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein


  1. Sean F. 16RX
    Hannah 18+1RX
    Aashish 10+9 225#
    Mike S. 7 165#
    Elizabeth 16RX
    Subhan 10+8 155#
    Ben M. 10+6 165# 8 Cal C2
    Chris S. 13RX

  2. 9:30am
    Jill H. 12+6 Singles
    Mary 8+15 135#
    Jackie 10 165#
    Rich 12+1RX
    Max 10 205#
    Ina 8+15 105# 17”
    Em 12+4 125#
    Ben B. 8+6 225#

  3. Noon
    Samson 11+10 225#
    Kevin h 10+20 Rx
    Pam g 13+25 Rx
    Dana d 14+2 155#
    Remer 12+1 Rx
    Karen 9+5 10 DL per month
    Gordy 10+15 225# trap bar20”
    Kath 13+15 step up 50 singles 75#
    Alicia 10+15 105#
    Brom 6+32 155# 17”

  4. 4:30
    riss 14 RX
    kristen 12+6 135#
    jess 11+2 165 10 dubs
    alex T 9 185#
    freaky G 12 RX
    makayla 13+6 RX
    jamie s 15+6 rx
    chris l 15+ 5 185#
    mark 12+ 3 185#
    yex 1+15 125# 10 dubs

  5. 5:30
    greg 11 4rounds rx 225#
    jonathan 11+3 rx
    danielle c 11 155# 17" 40 singles
    meg o 6 rounds 5 dips 15 ski 20 ttb
