
W.O.D. 8.9.21

For time:
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

*25ft Handstand Walk between each set

Community Notes:
Join us THIS SATURDAY 8/14 for the King and Queen of Prussia from 9AM- 3PM to cheer on your friends! There will be NO regular class this Saturday. 

Workouts will be announced the day of the King and Queen of Prussia!

This internal competition is open and available to all members, last minute sign ups are welcome too. 

No great thing is created suddenly. 
- Epictetus


  1. Anna C 16:00 scaled
    Theresa 13:37 scaled
    Manisha 17:26 scaled

  2. 6 am
    Brian 13:31 wall walk ins
    Ben m 15:10 scaled
    Subhan 18:20 (15 wall taps)
    Mike s 15:10 21-15-12-9 pu
    Danielle g- 19:12 bike-pu- suitcase
    Jamie s 19:32 3 ww
    Briana 19:11 21-18-15-9
    Kevin b 12:59 scaled
    Mak 16:18 21-18-15-9
    Hannah 15:12
    Sean f 9:36 Rx
    John k15:40 Scaled

  3. nooner
    Meredith 13:55 band/wallwalk in
    Gordy 8:46 (21-15-9) reps pulp/44# HS walk attempts
    Em G 9:50 (21-15-9) 44# 3 box walk around
    Jill M 12:31 Rx
    Evan P 12:24 (band 21-15-9) 35# kick ups
    Pete D 16:37 rx
    Geoff 13:06 c2b + pull-ups shoulder taps 53# russian
    Aimee 12:24 rx

  4. 5:30
    Alex Bra 18:18 band 35#box walk around 21/18/115/12/9
    Kate A :)
    Danielle C 19:04 band 45 russian/box walk 21-18-15-9
    Jonathan B 18:21 rx
    Gre A 15:20 rx
    Surya 19ish RR 26#
    Natalie D 10:10 RR walk in

  5. 4:30
    John Mc 18:24 44# band box walk around
    Olan 12:36 21-15-9 wall walk in
    Julia C 17:18 21-18-15-9 C2B/26# russian
    Isaiah 19:35 ww in 55 russian
    Joe M 17:39 box walk around 44#
    Ana C 16:42 wwalk in
    Alex Tu 16:29 21-1-5-9 rr 44# WWin
    Will M 19:25 Sc (1st Pull up!!!!!! congrats)
    Roberto 14:31 WW in 55#
    Denise C 17:34 rx
    Dana D 18:37 1 pull up last round other than that RX!
    Matt Bo 14:31 sc
    Mike Mit 18:59 55# sc
