
W.O.D. 8.13.21

3 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
30 Slamballs (20/30#)
30 Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow for the King and Queen of Prussia from 9AM- 3PM to cheer on your favorite members.
This internal competition is open and available to all members, last minute sign ups are welcome too. 

There will be no regular classes on Saturday. 

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love the truth. 
- Joseph Joubert


  1. 6 am
    Jamie s 15:55 Rx
    Mark s 18:24 Rx
    Mak 17:00 1/2 step ups
    Ben m 20:05 Rx
    Mike s21:20 20” 25#
    Hannah 13:11 Rx
    Sean f 13:04 Rx
    Laura 18:59 15#
    Subhan 17:05db push press
    Kevin b 15:22 20 ghd bike

  2. 9:30
    Jill 19:34 Rx
    Roberto 17:54 Rx
    Steph c 20:17 17” 15#
    Missy 23:50 17” 15#
    Sydney - first wod back back

  3. 12
    Aimee 19:30 rx
    Matt e 21:40 Rx
    Pam 16:06 kbrdl
    Alexis 18:42 Rx
    Natalie 15:53 half slams
    Geoff 17:29

  4. Danielle G 15:02rx

    Jonathan 17:33rx
    Leah 21:26rx
    Alex :)
    Olan 19:52rx
    Meg O 13:39rx
    Mae 19:13 #15, step ups w. Vest
    Mike Mit 20:15

    Alex Br 19:35 rx
    Danielle C 19:11 17in
