
W.O.D. 7.7.21

5 RM Back Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 9 Minutes:
200 Meter Run 
10 Back Squats @ 50% of 5 RM
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.15.21
CLICK HERE to compare to 4.6.21 

"Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them."  


  1. Anna C 50# 5FS+5BS, 3Rds +80m (250m Row, 50#, BO rows)
    Theresa L 135#, 3Rds (70#, Pullups)
    Manisha 120# PR! 2+11 (65#, RR, 250m Row)

  2. 6am
    King 175, 2+10RX
    Will U 165, 2+11sc
    Sean F 385, 3RX
    Hannah 215, 3+1 (PU)
    Meg D 155PR, 3sc (C2B)
    Kevin B 225, 4sc {GHD 10)
    Michael C 205, 55#, PU
    Subhan 235, 3+25RX
    Rahmon 21, 3RX
    Brian S. 285,3+3RX
    Dan L. 215, 2+11RX
    Danielle G. 185, 3 PU
    Jamie S. 215, 3+1RX
    Mark S. 235, 3RX
    Greg A. 215, 3+5RX
    Kate 175, 2+11sc

  3. 9:30
    Gordy 225, 3+1 (C2B,. PU)
    Dana H. 175, 3RX
    Jackie H. 155, 2+1sc (PU)
    Lee 85PR!!, 3+11sc (kipping)
    Ina 108, 2+3 (PU attempts)
    Shawn W. 200, 3+14RX
    Ben B. 285, 2sc (C2B)
    Cate 175, 3sc (PU)
    Aimee, 190, 3+1RX

  4. 12pm
    Geoff 255, 3+6Rx+ (135)
    Pam 190, 4sc (C2B, strict pu)
    Dana D. 150, 3+ .5RX

  5. Jerry T 255,3 pu
    Karen M 175,3+1rx
    Mae 115,3 rr
    Olan 235,2+1rx
    Alex T 145,3rx
    Alex Tu 205,2+1rx
    Michal 209, 3KBS
    Natalie Dentist 90,2+5rr
    Remer 280,4rx
    Denise 155,3+1rx
    Rachie 286,3kbs/pu
    Mike Mit 205,2+3rx
    Jonathan 225,3rx

    Mak 185,3RX
    Isaiah 240,2+16 5 PU
    Alex Bra 85, 2+2 BAND STRICT
    Danielle C 135,2+14 PU
    Gia 140,2+18 PU
    Madeah 40,2RR
    Ryan P 315,3RX
