
W.O.D. 7.6.21

5 Rounds for time of:
 20 Handstand Push-Ups 
30 Deadlifts (135/95 lb) 
40 Sit-Ups 
50 Double-Unders 

Rest 3 minutes

Record total time, including rest. 

Community Notes: 
 NEW Summer Schedule - begins on Tuesday 7.6.21 
We will be working on a modified schedule for summer, please note the following updates and look for more classes and offerings to be added back for the fall: 

6:00 AM Zoom (only) Monday/Wednesday/Friday will be CANCELLED 
 (7:00 AM zoom Tuesday/Thursday continues)

6:30 PM Tuesday/Thursday in person classes will be CANCELLED

 11:00 AM in person Saturday will be CANCELLED

Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete. 
- Chanda Kochhar


  1. 7a Zoom

    Jaya 25:21 10#DBs, (20-30-25-50), seated press, penguin hops
    Anna 25:27 15#DBs (20-30-40-50) seated press, DL @75#, Single Unders
    Cherie 28:03 20#DB Seated Press (10-30-40-50)25# DL, Single Unders
    Theresa L 27:54 20#DB Seated Press

  2. 6 AM
    Greg A 37:23 1 RX/2-5 10/20/30/40
    Kate C 35:42 20 HSPU/10 cal ski
    Mike Mel 35:30 rx
    Erika R 37:32 sc
    Caleb 30:02 sc
    Sean F 32:14 rx
    Hannah M 28:54 2 AB/strict hips
    King 37:13 sc
    Kevin B 31:33 20 russian swings/115#
    Mike S 34:05 sc
    Jeremy D 28:05 10 hspu/ 115 (good luck in ATLANTA!!!)
    Ben M 37:28 12 hspu 115# 4 rds
    Jamie S 34:36 15 hspu

    Andrew C 29:48 rx
    Aimee 31:55 rx
    Cate K 36:09 rx
    Tony P 36:50 rx
    Ben B 33:49 sc

  3. 9:30
    Dana H HBD! 40:20 RX
    Rich A 32:05 rx
    MAK 32:58 2 AB
    Steph C 33:07 3 AB/65#
    Tim H 30:00 (4 rds) 10/20/30/40 95# stink bug / 45 sec DU
    Alex Brom HDB! 39:01 2 AB/ 13 DU
    Gordy 32:37 10 HSPU/20 DL 95#/40 situp/ :30 cal air bike

  4. nooner
    Pam G 32:06 10 hspu
    Remer 32:19 rx
    Alexis 32:21 stink bug 10/10
    Geoff 31:21 pushups 15/ 135# 20 DU

  5. Masters
    4 Rds
    10 pushups
    20 deadlifts
    30 situps
    40 SU or DU
    Rest 3:00

    Kathy 23:05 45# SU
    Lee 20:41 45# 15 DU
    Mom 26:57 5 rds 45# SU
    Ina 24:20 55#/10hspu/2ab/40 du
    Anne B 21:54 35kb :45/SAPU
    Suzanne 23:46 some GHD/53/20DU/20hspu/2ab
    Terry 23:23 53# 20 du
    Regina 22:11 45# SU

  6. 4xxx
    Marissa: 41:03 rx
    Ryan s: 34:38 (4rds 1ab)
    Isaiah: 42:42 (2abs)
    Roberto: 32:28 (10hspu 95#)
    Rahmon: 43:01 (10hspu 2ab)
    Jerry: 42:10 sc
    Yex: 36;00 sc
    Alex th: 37:40 (2ab)
    Jonathan: 45:35 rx
    Megs: 37:34 (15hspu)
    DD: 39:17 rx
    Karen: 34:05 (10hspu 3ab, su)
    Joe S: 4 rds 😀
    Denise: 35:36 2ab

    Gia: 37:35 (15hspu)
    Danielle C: 38:42 (15#db, 75su, 85#)
    Alex B: 37:04 (10#db, su, 65#)
    Matt E: 43:28 (30# db)
    Ryan p: 44:34 (missing 15 hspu)
    Chris L: 41:48 rx
    Jess: 40:30 (10hspu 2ab, Dua)
    JP: 36:01 rx
    Madena: 32:?? (Sc 4rds)
